
8 years of salvation

Gagarin is taken to the war fields while he was shopping in his street. A story from 1919. He was a tall boy of 6'4 and 27 years old, he was muscular and big. Read the chapters to know more.

vivan_kiran_shivam · War
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chapter 1: Need a Man to protect

1919, a Sunday morning, the soviet union had lost the battle of Polish-soviet, about 100,000 were killed and 110,000 wounded. The leader of soviet union was very frustrated and the safety of the German people was questioned. 

Commander Biroud, was very angry and the military was less on people count and wanted more people to fight. He headed out in the streets of Unter den Linden in berlin in search of more soldiers. 

He then found 1800 soldiers, more likely brave ones with his troop. 140 of them were more than 7 foot tall. In these people was the person named Gagarin. In the morning he had headed out in search for some milk and bread for the breakfast. 

He told his wife and mother to stay in the house and not to come out as there is a war going on outside the village. He was very poor and was working 3 jobs at a time, the first job was to farm and sell tomatoes and potatoes. The 2nd one was to manufacture woods or steel according to the customers order, this job, he was working under a 42 year old man. The 3rd job was very special as he gets the most salary in this one, he used to deliver any product a person would ask him to buy, even if the product was 10km away from the village. but the amount would be paid in 1000s. 

But now everything was over thought the young boy or half man of 27 years old. He had been kicked on his toes so that it would break and he would not walk for few days, the troops put mask on his face which had a small hole near the nose to breath. They even tied his hands and legs.

Gagarin was brave enough to bite and tear the thread on his hand, not only him but also 200 people from everyone. They all were knocked down by getting hit on their fore head by a wooden stick including Gagarin. 

Then he found himself in complete cold place outside tied to a long thick stick that was half buried inside the ground even the 1800 people they captured were tied to it. 

The commander Biroud announced "we have captured 1800 of you brave soldiers, each and every one of you are big, tall and strong. thus, you all will be able to help the soviet union to conquer the world, remember that each and everyone of you all are equal to 40 of our old troops. if anyone wanna leave they can leave now we are not going to stop you"

As Gagarin was gonna raise his hand, he saw a middle aged man raising his hands, and as soon as he raised his hands, he was shot perfectly to his forehead.

Gagarin knew that if he will also raise his hands his gonna die too. Even after seeing this more than 20 people raised their hand and said that they would rather die then serving the Germans, the commander knew that they were Jewish men. They were not killed, they got shot on the limbs first, then their elbows were broken and finally were been shot at their eyes and died suffering. 

Seeing this Gagarin did not want to raise his hands and agreed to join the soviet union. 

The man count now was 1721, rest died brutally. now all the men were given a room and a bed inside it to sleep. Their breakfast was 1 egg, two vegetable of any that is available for the military to serve them and 1 glass of milk. The lunch was the same except for the milk. The dinner was chicken legs and nothing else. 

They were trained brutally, they had to lift 40 kgs of log on their back and jog for 20 minutes, they had to pull a whole truck tire until they passed out. after all this 18 of the soldiers died and Gagarin was alive and he was more big and built. 

After training he met a strange man who had red ragged beard and clear cut profile. He seemed to be talking and having chat with everyone but when Gagarin tried to talk with him he did not want to talk with him. This was because Gagarin was looking like a young boy. His view of Gagarin seemed as if Gagarin was very unwise and did not know anything about the world.

Later he came to know that this guy was the younger brother of the commander Biroud, and his name was Jonas. The whole family of Biroud was the servant of the soviet union, more likely to give their lives to the soviet union. 

This moment gave Gagarin the courage to serve too. So, he was ready to fight. Later while he was having his lunch, he heard from the two higher rank soldiers talking that if they win the war they will let all the people go back home, only if they were alive. 

 Now the day has finally come, they have handed the people guns, you might think that they will shoot the troops instead, yes, you are right they shot two of the soldiers and they even died. The people who shot were brutally killed. 

1920, march 16th, they had finally mastered the art of shooting using the gun perfectly. Now they were let to fight in the battle grounds.

The commander had divided the 1756 people, well they were just people but now they were soldiers. The commander divided them into 4 parts, 439 each group. 

Gagarin was in the third group. he was shit scared. But he has already decided, it was do or die. The first group was let free with the vice commander Kent Bierhals. they were all fired up and wanted to go home alive and meet their family. They were lead to the dangerous valley known as the greed's den where 6000 soldiers died 4 years ago. 

Now they had spotted the polish troop, the highest ranked soldier here was Fernandez, a solid A tier ranked soldier took 11 of the soviet troop and planned to attack the polish troop. Fernandez found out that this troop only had 60-70 soldiers in the troop. 

That's it for this chapter, wait for the next one and thankyou for reading. 

i will be publishing more chapter every sundays or maybe be late beacuse i gotta go to school, be sure to follow me and keep reading the chapters. THANKYOU.

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