
I'm into you

Its been raining since the month of July 2021, Sunday 27c Light Rain the weather at 12 pm in the afternoon, she woke up late caused of her addiction to Korean movies actors, and wardrobes. I can smell the corn soup made by my sister in the kitchen, perfect with spicy fried chicken with beer " said Ziggy to herself while rubbing her eyes open wide and fixing her hair to get ready for" brunch" a combination of eating breakfast and lunch at the same time. "Good Afternoon guys she said while running to the pot full of soup" Oh Yeah! "she shouted" and sit on her chair, she leads the meal prayer, "Our Father" [close eyes, bow your head and say Thank you, Dear, God For a meal today God Bless Us]This really is it! I can feel that today I eventually got an email from the company I really want to work with, said Ziggy Ryan in front of her family lunch table. She is so persistent and hardworking after graduating from ACLC College of Apalit back on May 10, 2010. A 2year Diploma Course in Office Information System where she placed 1st Overall Deans Lister in her batch. Ziggy was determined to finish projects on time, even rehearsals from various types of P.E activities a good leader and cheerful student, a friend, whose surrounded by friends, and a good professor.

[ 10 years Ago, May 10, 2010, Graduation Day]

Laughter is all over the place, A lady vendor stands in front of the school gate, she sells flowers and greets parents "A Happy Graduation Day" cause we all know Parents is the most happier whenever his child accomplishment symbolizes fulfillment and engraved through all the years. A graduation march begun little by little students slightly walk side by side with their parents. On the stage the emcee called Ziggy Ryan, she feels excitement and nervousness for the first time in her life she wore a dress V-neck shape, its color was white on the top and dark brown on the lower part of the dress, with matching black-colored high heels. Her hair was curled, show the shape of her face roundly and her makeup shows how beautiful she is. She goes up on the stage wearing her bright and cheerful smile accompanied by his father that is proud and hugs her tight." He whispered I'm proud of you and thank you for this day on. Suddenly tears flow in her cheeks, tears of happiness, cause she feels proud about his father to say to her. While walking back to the spot we used to sit, He asked me if this the end of the program, I said no Daddy let's just wait for a little, I have a surprise for you. For the Special Awards, one by one is called from lower to number one. The emcee said, Number 14th on the Dean's lister award Ziggy Ryan, Daddy come on it's your daughter I hope it will bring another happiness to you. Throwback memories one by one play in her mind while listening to the song "Thanks To You" by Tyler Collins.

[ Present Day 2021 at Ziggy house lunch with her family]

While enjoying her food, she suddenly shouts " Oh .....my.....Gee...!!!!!! ?????? Is it really real? [jumping off her happiness while screaming out loud and Thank God for the job she got]. Her family was happy with her and cheer up, [all standing and dance to the tune of Bruno Mars " Today my Life Begin"]. Okay Okay please be calm and quiet said her Daddy, and asking questions about her job, Her place to stay, how about you're going back and front from Apalit to Clark? Can u go up early? Can u work during the nighttime? were you going to eat? flowing of questions she didn't get a chance to answer and all of them just burst to laugh. To keep her Daddy to feel at ease, (she said while holding his hand, Daddy I'm a grown-up now, besides this is my 2nd job I'm used to it, the time is not a problem, I loved working at night time, I'm with friends, really good friends its been 3years but all of them stay beside me and update me whenever had An open job in their place, so calm yourself, I will be fine.

[Night approaches ]

While listening to the soundtrack of "Sa Susunod Na Lang by " Skusta lee" her messenger filled with chat messages from her bestie Cheenie Hazel and Angel Snow back in their SB Days from December 2012 till December 2018. "Bruha" what now? Did u get any email from the company asked Cheenie followed by Angel with a happy emoji, and I just bluff them to make the surroundings a little bit confusing and happier when I tried to tell a joke, so I reply "Bruha" I am not" just this sentence plus sad emoji makes me laugh with their reaction then suddenly a videocall appeared, they were sad and keep asking, are you serious? Don't Make us Disappoint? "Oh come on Bakla Ka" [I will pull out your hair from head to bottom if you tell a lie]. They were both sad and annoyed, all of the emotions appeared and tried to consult Ziggy with wise words and good thoughts. And suddenly Angel says the words that I've been wanting to hear, "Bruha" according to my reliable sources "Papable, Yummyble and the sexiest Heartrob we used to know we're going in there, [pausing] and "Cheenie Hazel " spill out the magic word "Alfie Mendrez" your one and only crush, the possession in which u crave for a long time. Ziggy feels excited the thought of having seen his crush for a long time was a good reason, a good motivation, and a realistic goal in her life to get close and be friends with him. [Friends???????? both girls exclaimed with a curiosity tone are you even serious !!! it means "Oh my Gee!!!!!!! ] I'm going to get and put him in bed if you are just going to become friends and not having any desire, I'm going to do it for you, "said Angel". Speaking of the word date, Guys be careful I'm gonna date the other guy said, Cheenie Hazel."Who"??? both of them speak the same question, well did you guys remember? our crush "Bruha" talking to her gay friend angel, which of them? reply angel, we had so many crushes but I really longing and miss "nog nog". The tall, dark, cute masculine guy from the Visayas but he grew up in his auntie from Telabastagan San Fernando if I heard it right. What his name again said Ziggy, ah??? It is Andrew Japs. I remember his face cause of the jawline show whenever he talks to his friends and girlfriend from the past. I heard they break up after resigning from SB."Oh" Cheenie Hazel [scream out loud!!!] this is my chance "yeah!!" "Yes!!! [she dances on high energy with the background song from "Blackpink" "Let's Kill This Love". and a burst of "witch laughter" Angel screams, OHHHH AHHH OHHH AHHH...[Alfie is gonna be fine] since you not on the scene and u don't get accepted on the factory, "oh my my my" [Bruha continue to sing and tease Ziggy]. The two witches dances really like crazy while showing big laughter and poker face to get ziggy annoyed. But in a while, she took her phone and send a screenshot to a chat room with her bestie, [the two were shocked!! and almost wanted to see Ziggy get her hair and pinch her face right away]. At last, I got the final say" Akin lang si Alfie". Guys, u should know by now and since then, he's my only happiness and medicine, whenever I feel stressed, just one smile from him, my heart will go burst. If only I had the courage and if only Alfie had feelings on you "Hazel" and "Angel" said it and finish her sentence. This very first day of the month Ziggy feel happiness again, the thought of having a job, friends time, and a lot of upcoming events, "oops" suddenly the song played, {I like You so much, and you'll know it} by "Ysabelle Cuevas" Girls sings in the chorus, coz this one of their song. "oh Guys" Cheenie said we should take a nap, its already 12 pm, we had a lot of things to do, a house to look for, things we need plus important papers to keep on, So ladies get a beauty sleep by Angel, "Goodnight Live Love life to the fullest, No regrets, Tomorrow is another yummy day" the quotes to recite before going to bed. But guys Last thing, I liked to confirm is, "what now?" Did I get you? Did you even believe what I said? I'm not even finished with my sentence before you react? Remember, I just type [ I am Not] but both of you complain and tease me right away,[both of them worn frown faces and said shut up! Love you! see your bestie, goodnight for real]. As closing her laptop Ziggy suddenly look at her wallet and again she memorized "Alfie" face and kiss him goodnight.She loves to dance, eat, road trips, beach and street food all night long, and doing household chores during her vacant days. And I hope this chance will not get wasted. But everything changes due to a covid eruption in march 2020. So I really miss my friends, hangouts, and chill all day long, boys hunting, mall window shopping, even attending to bars and watch live bands "Ziggy said to herself"." She prayed" [Thank God for all the blessing she had and every hardship fall in all over the world, she believes it has a reason and a positive view in this scenario]. And tomorrow is another Bless day and a happy day.

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zcherishcreators' thoughts