
Comments of chapter undefined of Reverend Insanity


Oh, a bitter feeling really codemns inside of me. Seeing, my favorite masterpiece novel, Reverend Insanity to come to an probable end. Just like, Fang Yuan's path, the novel is uncertain to produce chapters normaly once more. It was truly a ride of the ages. It all began on a insignificant clan, and pure hardships accumulate becoming an immortal, with twist and turns, getting used by various venerables, with his crafty mind and powerful power he destroyed once the savior of humanity - but became the restriction of humanity - fate Gu. Arriving now, as a Venerable that controls lands and seas like it's insiginificant rubbish. Becoming an insignificant pawn to becoming a player.


Well Our Journey will Fang Yuan might have come to an end. The rest of the chapters are premium only. They might be released like normal chapters, someday, maybe. To everyone who read Reverand Insanity with me, it has been a fun ride. Hope we meet again someday. maybe when it gets continued again. I will certainly be waiting with bated breath. I have been reading Reverand Insanity for who knows how long. I think I started reading regular daily chapter around chapter 1000-1200. That time Fang Yuan was still a mortal, one time he arm wrestled a monkey to get passage for a merchant caravan. And, now he is manipulating Venerables and effectively rules a continent, 5 times larger than earth and collecting rank 9 Gu like he is Ash catching Pokemons. It has been a wild ride. I have some reccomendation for some next reads, if you want. Try reading "Soul of Nagary". It is new book, a little slow at times. I have great hope for this one. It lacks in World Building department, but the characters are really well done, the main character is definitely evil, no doubt, 100% evil. He also has a sort of charisma that I have only seen in Fang Yuan. Reverand Insanity's Author Gu Zhen Ren is also writing "Infinite Bloodcore". If you want to read it please do so. Don't go there to look for an MC like Fang Yuan, the protagonist there is a good guy, not an evil or a character who is sometimes good, sometimes bad. Ofcourse, if you have not read "Lord of the Mysteries". Do it. Don't even read the intro for it just start with chapter 1 and start reading. It is also incomplete, only book 1 is complete now. there are total of 1430 chapters. If you go by Worldbuilding alone, I have not read anything which comes close to this. The world is a mystery and very very dangerous. Every character is clever and smart in his own way. the transformation of MC from an ordinary Guy to a badass MC is visible and believable.

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Gu Zhen Ren

Gu Zhen Ren

The latest chapter released today will be the last chapter untill the day the author starts writing again. Sooo sad šŸ˜”šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜£


Anyone who does not bend to the will of HC is a demon eh


Ah oh sh*t we were already at the cut off, hopefully HOPE is enough to defeat this predicament. This novel has the capability to leave its mark on the river of time, and no matter if its days, months, or years I shall be waiting for its return. Hope to see ya all again sometime folks!


Is this it? It fills me with sadness. Why ban this book. Were there any anti-CCP themes in the book? Lord of Mystery book directly refers to our reality China and its corrupted officials and such, in a much more direct manner. And its world building, while wonderful pretty much copies/glorifies European Victorian age. RI worldbuilding is so original, and the whole otherworldly demon theme plays very minor role, with all flashbacks referring to "As in Earth" and not about any particular country. So I just don't get it what CCP sensors find wrong with thus book. If I were CCP I would give author a medal and promote the hell out of it, given how popular it is in the west, like Soviets did with their internationally acclaimed authors and composers


Can't help but feel Fang Yuan's superiority is now overwhelming that the over Venerables can't catch up.


Donā€™t say that we need to buy premium if we want to read the remaining chapteršŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø


Hope the day will come when we can all gather here again to celebrate the continuation of this grand novel. It is a shame we may need to wait indefinitely for this novel to be continue. Fellow Gu Immortals, till we meet again someday.


Seriously!? we have to buy premium just to finish the rest chapter?




China being so shameless that it banned the masterpiece of this era ( from my point of view) and only a hundred chapter remaining before it's completion. Author has already finished it but can't publish due to ban.


This was a Long Journey guys love you all, after reading this novel, the others novel are trash for me


noble FY, allowing those hairy men to witness such greatness


Just release the remainder chapter please. what is the point of premium?


Rank 9 cabbages soonk


I hope one day we see the completion of this novel


One question for those in the know, is the book hard banned in China, like its illegal for author to write more chapters or just soft banned, ie like being deplatformed in the west, where he can write, but can't publish coz no one would host it? In the second case, cant author just do a Kickstarter or such?


thanks for the chapter and release rest of it


Heavenly Court so hypocritical