
Comments of chapter undefined of Reverend Insanity


This is why he's a ruthless demon in his past lifw


I'm speechless while reading this chapter you can see just how unique or twisted fang yuan's mindset is . I wish the translator doesn't just vanish for like 2 weeks and comes back like nothing happened . Life is Hard i guess , smh . Thanks for the chapter .


Nobody is innocent......."shivers"


This chapter was hard to stomach. Finding novel having line between evil mc and white knight mc is indeed hard.


Was indeed cold blooded and ruthless. But what he said is correct. Just look at 80% of the novels on this site. Where the MC parents were either killed or MC abandoned for being weak. Then comes back stronger then ever and gets revenge.


It's not that his mindset is twisted, but living in that world, it's better to get rid of the problem completely from the beginning. Why would you spare someone after killing their family? The survivor will always go looking for revenge.why make things harder for yourself!


I like how everyone in the comments is pissed only because he killed a pretty girl.


He's so ruthless... Thanks for the chapter!


What the hell is wrong with the Author?? We have this in detail description of the pretty young girl, her future path told by her father and next thing we know she gets killed off??? I love it <3


Best MC ive ever known. Its all for himself. He saw how people change after his 500 years of life, why bother with them when he can grasp each and every inch of opportunity he has.


So proud of mc right now😌 He is very good at not letting anything come back to bite him like letting that girl live would be terrible as even if the old man wasn’t going to fight back the girl definitely would cause trouble someday. Now these two hunters can die making it look like robbers killed the family. It is nice to see a novel that takes the law of the jungle or strength based world to this level at the mc point of view as normally they don’t take it this far.


A lot of here forgot he's in a different world and not earth. He's lived 500yrs there now so he knows what he's doing. Human nature adapts to the environment. The author did a very good job of keeping it real and comments of despise is proof of that unconventional style.


It is annoying to read novels where MC gets in to trouble over and over without doing anything or by "solving" small grudge that escalates to always more powerful enemies. It is better if MC is evil and actually deserves others hate. And such MC certainly wont easily give them opportunity to cause trouble to him.


I like this kind of story, much better than when the author always finds a way to keep the cute girls from dying. It might not be moral, but as a reader it's much more refreshing compared to the same old "good guy vs bad guy".


I've gotten too used to a knight in shining armor protagonist, this chapter has woken me up


I’ve read so many novels and this is the first that shows the character as a true villain, I don’t think he’s done a single good thing so far and I love it


it's wrong but... my evil side loves this! Maybe i'm from the dark side...


It is as the others say, now the young woman may not seem a threat, but in ten years when casually an expert discovered his talent and took her to his sect full of master rank five and even six, there is a problem. And the younger the vengeance is, the more deeply entrenched.


Before all excited to beat or threaten the cute maid, and now angry for killing a pretty girl.


i read a review stating that mc is evil but not the sort of mindless psychotic evil... so how is this butchering an entire family for no reason at all not psychotic?


Damn hell the Author's intention was exactly to make us feel uncomfortable He first made us feel sympathy for the family then had the MC kill her. I think he wants to keep unnerving us at regular intervals so that we keep a Healthy distance from the Mcs mindset so hay even though we support him we don't agree completely. It kinda prevents full immersion but I think that is a good thing when the MC sucks But this kinda scary as the author might also be slowly ramping up the **** so we usually get accepted At the end of this will we be able to accept even worse things. I hope not. No matter what he must have a place where he draws the line, even if his standards are completely unacceptable in our society