
Comments of chapter undefined of Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich


thank you a little late, reading this was one of the best things I made in my whole life, now it ended, and soon I will moving out from my mother house, and reading this since chap 110 was a long ride and a chapter on my life, now it's time to move on and carry on, I'm really crying that I won't have this little piece of happiness in my life


Well then, here we are. The end of one of the greatest stories I have ever read. I was planning on doing another grand dramatic speech but I can't really think of anything right now. So I'll just say this. It was a great novel and I'd like to thank the author for writing it and the translator and editors for translating it to English so that I could actually understand it. Now it's time to read the entire thing again from chapter one.


I can't believe it's really ending. This has got to be my all time favourite novel. From the titel to the characters and the world building, it's been a true epic. I will miss Roland's adventures, but even more his wit. My sincere thanks to the author, translator, editor and whomever else contributed to make it possible to enjoy this fantastic story.


I've been waiting and reading this novel for the past 5-6 years. And I must say it has been worth it. I remember back in 2015 when the previous translator stopped translating at chapter 150... Look how far we've come! Thank you so much! I have enjoyed this greatly and will remember this for years to come.


I can't understand why Webnovel doesn't want to translate the sequel. :(


Remember how this novel started? It's sad that it ended, but it was a great journey. Enjoy the reread. The lich server will always be active for heated debates about the lore or casual chat (discord.gg/bugDftQ , type ?join in welcome channel). And share this masterpiece to fellow readers. ELCL deserves more fame.


Yey, can finally remove this bloatware from my phone.


Gonna unlock the few chapters I have left and just forget about this site. Farewell Roland


It's a shame that the sequel won't be here. I hope someone will translate it somewhere else.


This amazing journey has lasted for several years but, alas, everything has to come to an end at some point. I want to thank the author, translators and editors, you did a fantastic job.


goodbye y'alls


i just wanted to say thank you for the amazing job of all the people involved with this translation. i will miss this novel and i would love to read the sequel but thats it. now just two novels keep me here


Dang I stopped reading for a bit so I could binge and it's over? Either way thank you translator and author, it's been a weird ride, with a few boring spots, but still fun to read (the story went from lots of events tightly packed together thanks to excessive time skips, to mostly time skips and exposition with the occasional long event). Also welcome any other fellow readers who made it this far through webnovels annoying chapter lock system. I miss when you could view more chapters by watching ads. This site if built like they want us to read as many different stories as possible and then paywall block us to everyone, only giving us a tiny number of chances of reading more of each story. Given how Chinese novels tend to be fairly slow moving it can take months to catch up tp single story if you focus on only it. Rant over, sorry.


This has truly been a fantastic ride and I've enjoyed every single moment of it, Thank you for all the warkd hork and effort you've put into translating this IL and everyone else who made this possible Also the author too for writing such a mad story and also you lot


Thank you, imperfectluck and the other translators who have worked on this. it has been a long ride. The first novel I have finished in webnovel. Thank you very much.


I am so happy (and sad) to have finally reached the end of this novel. It has been a long, amazing journey and I hope to read the sequel one day. Thanks to the translators and staff for bringing us here and the author for putting out this great piece of work! In the meantime, I can’t wait to read this again. :)


Been following since the beginning of my high school year and I am soon to graduate. This story have make me feel all of emotion. Laughing from the absurd reference and joke. Being emotionally invested in a lot of character. In awe by it comedic yet fantastical but oddly realistic world building. Intrigue by the plot and how each character scheme. Excited at Roland leveling up and seeing his plot unfold and finally, melancholic and sad that the journey have come to an end. Ps- Beifeng will be a class S threat.


thanks +9999


It's been a long meandering road but thanks for the read.


do anyone know the sequel name


Thanks for the translation. My thanks for bringing this great tale to us. :)