
Comments of chapter undefined of Release That Witch


Anna's prediction is slightly better than Edith's, the latter may be true on our era, but the former suited them more, even if graycastle is not the hegemon power anymore Roland's influence would still lasts, like the philosphers and scientists of our world, his ideals, his policies, and his science, remember this is a world that skip the rennaissance they still in their medieval thinking


I wish my gf would wash my feet occasionally.


I hope Anna's version is right...


Oh I know where this is going: on the cusp of victory in the Battle of Divine Will, Roland goes back in Neverwinter to pursue his pet project but then someone, probably Edith, starts a civil war, which ends with most of the rebels casted out or destroyed while Roland is gravely wounded and is put on a technomagical golden life-support throne. Then a cult starts worshipping him as Emperor of Mankind.


It would be best if every kingdom is intergrated into Graycastle. Then there are no borders. Everyone will be under 1 banner. That would solve all these petty back stabbings or reduce it to region instead of national levels


Anna doesn't understand the dangers of over-centralizing power structures. You need checks and balances within an organization but also you need competition from the outside to prevent stagnation and provide a backup society in the event yours collapses.


damn anna.. who aee you?? you are female version of demiugre??


Roland should make that glider Aang uses from Avatar for Wendy so she can be like the last Airbender.


Anna give out alot of spoiler from the author. Lol


I think Roland relies too much on the witches.... what if they go missing? Or god forbid dies? Some of the industry would cease to function or function limitedly


Rolland you shouldnt work on a project if it is not mass producable or have a significant adventage over what can be done normally.Use dream world to learn how to make an internal combustion engine.If you didnt read about it just ask zero to do a research on it in exchange of soemoney or some other stuff she likes


Mechanical engineers can also design a glider aircraft from scratch? Does Roland have a Ph.D in all relevant engineering fields? đŸ€”


Anna, Queen of Neverwinter.


Yeah, sure, blame the shoes for your smelly feet


lol Anna basically said what all readers said against Edith on the previous chapter, its better to help the situation in the kingdom of dawn to establish a more able ally, even if they adopt the practice of working with Witches it would never be as good as where it originated (Neverwinter), Roland would be seen as a mercyful "god" of sorts, almost being deified in the later years through stories told about how hes worked so much to preserve Humanity against the real threat of the demons, and how those who opposed have perished. but yea, that Glider, how does Roland plan to test it exactly? build a special uh (whatsitcalled) wind room to test turbulence on wings and allow Wendy to practice her ability to enhance her total magic power? unless he does something like that itd be kinda dangerous to study indepth how much force Wendy would need to use to help a glider to lift up even if made from "light" materials.


Hold on a minute author, hydrogen ballons aren't lame!


Xp sect in the house


As great as an unified world would sound it's actually extremely dangerous, it would only require one corrupt regime to tear it apart. And it's likely to happen due to stagnation in foreign politics and competition. And although the academics of this world are severely lacking it's only a matter of time for the standard to rise, both in physics and magic. The difference between witches and mortals is also likely to create a social gap that could lead to civil war. The fame and respect of Roland will also fade into the realm of myth over time. I mean, the Greek passed down many stories and works of their Gods but how many of us actually believe in their authenticity to this day?


Nothing wrong in your prediction, Anna. But who will continue reading the normal flat happy story. Obstruction made story interest.


the problem anna is that human beings seek betterment of themselves all the time and most of the time this betterment is having more power and influence.Some nobles will not want to bow down to roland.Assasinations,political backstabs and many other problems will be met by our king.But you are right that he will be some thing like aliving legend so he will have soooooo much power that most ofwhta ı said migh be irrelevant


+1 anna, 1st Graycastle already had ahead start on tech and industry, like way ahead... 2nd Domain of graycastle will only be larger after BDW, 3rd The people of Graycastle's Superior Mentality; Roland is the first use People power TECH + DOMAIN + PEOPLE =USA + CHINA + RUSSIA