
talking with the godness

I turn around and still can't see from where the voice comes, I grab my stick and enter in a defense position, then I hear the voice again.

" it is me, Agna, we can have our conversation now "(Agna)

"Where are you? I can't see or feel you here "(Leonhard)

"This is because we are linked now, I still in the same place where I free you but I can talk with you no matter where you are this way, the gods before could not do that?"

" No, they send their serves to give me a message when they wanted to talk to me, but anyway I want to ask what is my job here and why I am in a child form now?"

" Well, your job is quite simple, you just need to win this war, basically you will found the others gods champions and kill them to win, and for the child part well I haven't enough power to give you an adult body, but that is okay you still can get older in just what 12 or 13 years you will have your old adult body again"

"So all the other champions are kids too now? "

"No, they have an adult body"



" Just asking but you summoned me in a kid form to be spanked until dead or something like that? "

"Look they can't see if you are a champion or not unless they use an ability called [identify] so it will be okay if you just avoid fights and hide until you are ready to kill then"

"I will think of something then, by the way, did you know where I am? You can say the name of the world too, I remember the majority of them."

"I don't know if still the same name but the name of this world is Atia, and I don't know in what part of Atia we are, after all, goblins build temples in anyplace."

"I know Atia but let me ask a question what goblins temples have to do from where I am, did you use a goblin temple to summon me? "

" I use a goblin temple because I am a goblin godness, simple no? "

" Well I didn't expect to be summoned by a goblin godness, but this temple should not be in a goblin village them? I have never seemed one away from a village, and you just need to ask your goblins to know where we are, just some references will do"

" Well the answer is the same, I and the rest of the goblin gods were losing the war, I am the only remain of them, and after I start my journey to find you I could not help the goblins so they forgot about me, and this is my last temple, so I don't have any more goblins to ask it"

" So what you have in the end, or can you do something for me? "

" I can do nothing right now, but I will answer some of your questions if you want "

" Right then you are completely useless, I will find where I am and what to do them, just call me if there is something important that I need to know"

I hold my bat and start to walk in the dense forest, I need to found a good location to rest here, or else the animals or insects will be a problem during the night.

I hear a sound behind me this time like if something small is sneaking behind me, I turn around and I see a green snake with around 40 cm, well this one is perfect as my food, I walk toward the snake and she gets in an attack position, raising her head, the more I get near her she starts to make some noise.

Finally, when I am close enough she jumps towards me, I raise my hand and grab her in the middle of the air, she starts to bite my hand, but I don't care her bite is not strong enough to ripe my hand off, I raise my bat and use strike to try to smash her head, she stills alive so I use strike more 4 times until she died.

" Hey you will die soon if you don't do anything about the poison, this sneak beat you 6 to 7 times, a normal adult would be dead by now, why you look like this don't do nothing ?"

" Simple is one of my abilities, bloodless corpse, the only way to kill me is if the energy in my body go out or vanish, so lethal poison will do literally nothing, unless is something like acid, even if it would make my nerves numb I would not be affected because I move my body with this energy instead of my nerve system."

"Oh this is one of an overpowered special ability "

" Not really if you compare to what the others have as specials abilities this is pretty lame in reality, I even fight someone who could die 99 times, and every time he comes back all his stamina come back, this was one hell of a fight"

" Yeah maybe some champions from stronger gods have better special abilities"

" Anyway can't you give me a special ability too ?"

" To make that I would need to manipulate your soul a little and I think no one can do that anymore, but even if I could the unique special abilities I could give to you are too weak so don't worry"

This is the useless godness I have ever seem, I bet I should have fight or kill stronger things during my early days, anyway I need to finish this mission.

I grab the snake and notice something, I don't have any clothes so I can just hold this, well I get a better Idea, and I just tie the snake in my arm, now she looks like a thick green shoelace in my arm, maybe I can find more after, these snakes have some mana in their bodies, this should make my status go up if I eat them.

I start to walk thing about a place to pass the night, this is a priority, a cavern would be great but if a stronger animal is already there I will need to forget about that, maybe a tree is good, but I don't know if the birds can kill me here, I would not like to lose an eye during a sleep.

So something with a roof and away from the ground should be perfect, but probably don't exist, maybe if there is an abandoned house near here, I should climb a huge tree, maybe I can see something from there.

Looking around for more 3 minutes I see a tree who looks bigger than the rest, it is a bit far but I should be able to get there before the night, well in the worst case I just carry some leafs to the tree hide myself with these leafs around the top of the tree.

During my way to the tree, I found more 3 snakes, my hand is a little too wounded now, I will need to wait a little to this heal, hurt a lot but not enough to make me hold myself, I put my bat in my mouth and try to hold this with my teeth, while I climb the tree.

At the top of the tree I notice something bad, really bad, the place where I was summoned is an island, and a small one, I can't see any signal of humans here, so I am really fucked to get out of here now,