
Comments of chapter undefined of The Ultimate Evolution


Is there a third book? What's the title? There was a discussion about a third book (untranslated or not yet started) somewhere, but that was 6months ago...


This - and I really was hoping I wouldn't have to go there - a horrible ending. Seemingly completely unbefitting of what I had come to know as The Ultimate Evolution. I understand that there's a sequel(?) but after the years of build-up and slow drip of release (excellent translation quality though it may had been) this was not what I was expecting. The end of the story is a cliché? Sheyan is now determined to revive his parents? That was a shock that came out of nowhere. Sheyan is definitely not a character that I would have ever considered to be as emotionally motivated as thisnendingnseeks to portray him as. "Father, father!" That left a bad taste in my mouth. I felt it was rushed and kind of *shoved* in my face last minute and told to deal with it. As for Brother Black - our dear Mogensha's - revival...it was as uneventful as his initial end/death. I'm somewhat saddened at the way this ended. From a last minute enemy, last minute Realm, rushed answers and a shoddy attempt at tying some loose ends, I can't find myself feeling pleased. Perhaps if I didn't spend money to unlock each chapter, I would be less torn, but alas, it is what it is. Sigh. Thank you translators. You've been amazing. From God and Devil World and now The Ultimate Evolution. Thank you for providing us with these excellently translated and completed novels. You guys have done a lot of hard work, even if you haven't been the most communicative, much to our/my chagrin at times. Hopefully we get a sequel (and a faster release rate👀😅). Until next time!


Another one of the novels that I followed ended huh, I remember reading this novel just when it started being translated, qidian was not even out yet I think, I'm gonna miss the author's bizarre but funny way of explaining things and Sheyan's wit and cunning against his enemies. Thanks to both the Author and Translator for the novel.


Another novel completed and added to the list! I heard rumors that the ending was going to be bad, and while it wasn’t BAD, it was definitely unsatisfying. The plot building up to the final chapters were a bit rushed, and a lot of things were left out, but I enjoyed the journey anyway. Thanks for translating the novel! It was a good ride.


Genuinely apologize to all those that paid for that ending. That felt like one of those manga that sets itself up to have a good story that can span a decade, but it gets cancelled at year two so they try to wrap everything up way too quick. I overall really like this whole novel, but damn... Could’ve used another arc or two to really wrap this **** up well. Whatever though! On to the next everybody!


Well.... From what I gathered, the prequel seems to end with a lot of negativity. Would you really want to read the prequel knowing all his teammates are gonna die? I don’t know.


A Great mc and great adventures ending with a whimper.


The novel’s summary mentioned Harry Potter, terminator, and the matrix. He never went into the matrix?


Would have been way better if Sheyan steps out of a temporal portal while Fang Lin is bound to the bed all confident in his victory, and Sheyan just ends him.


Who showed Sheyan the history of the universe video while he was unknowingly trapped so he could get the danger sense feeling and escape?


horrible ending. Fang Lin wins, Sheyan becomes the patsy. After all that buildup of Sheyan being a masterful schemer, he loses in the end. In his own novel, where he is the mc, he LOSES. terrible ending, just terrible


Where is the 1461 chapter???


Sigh. This novel has been one of my favorite novels. Its way up there. But the ending was so rushed and doesnt match the quality of the rest of it. So pretty sad about it. Still thanks for the translation. Cant wait to see your next work.


The fawk?? First of all, I had no clue there was a prequel before this story, & now I don’t know if I should still see this guy as a villain, or just a version of Sheyan’s dad who was forced into certain choices? Obviously he’s being set up as more of a villain, especially once they revive Sheyan’s dad. This was a shiet ending though. I feel like I got dragged into a prequel for the author’s 3rd story instead of an actual stand alone story. It just feels like I wasted so much time on this...


So what is Ultimate Evolution? Become a madman?


after the final battle arc, everything feels so freaking rush


It seem both mc of two books will continue to fight in third book, poor third book's mc might be victim of these two cunning schemers...


Thanks for the translation Sean88888 it was a pleasure to follow this novel with all of you.


Wow what a horrid wrap up. Went all into moving the elves to earth then dropped the plot, alternate reality monk training/strongest tank/breaking free of the realms dropped, didnt finish his teams advancement... etc. The overall idea of the ending was good but it all felt forced rather than properly ended.


I read the last chapter of Ace Evolution so basically, Fang Lin returned to his earth with the spare body he prepared and married one of his companion named Lin Yinxiu and has a kid( but the kid has something special to him, there was a blue mole on his chest, and maybe a parallel to Sheyan too). He also covered up the fact that he was trapped for hundreds of years in that first generation nightmare realm to his wife. I also read the first chapters of The First Evolution the sequel of this novel, it follows the story of Fang Linyan, who was born from a virgin and was abandoned the moment he was born, he also has lung cancer, he was supposed to die from being crushed by a truck in front of a supermarket, but he didnt die because someone slipped an old nokia phone to his shopping bag causing the supermarket alarm to go off and him didnt going out from the supermarket, then when he went home and checked, he found the nokia phone that has a message saying that he was supposed to die in front of the supermarket. Leaving this here for anyone who is interested for the prequel or sequel of this novel

