
Comments of chapter undefined of The King's Avatar


Mucheng 😭💕


thx for double!! "My time with Excellent Era ends here." ahh.. the feel it reverberate deeply in my heart and mind... it show the many meaning in it... i bet it contain her sense of relief because she is done with EE, anguish and disappointment toward EE too... again kudos to author because he really is good at plucking my heart string and also kudos to translator who make me can read this awesome story!!!


The reason why Su Mucheng was aggressive in the battle just now: It is because she cannot wait to sit with Ye Xiu and the crew! 😂😂


What a special face slap. Without saying anything outright derogatory or insulting, Su Mucheng clearly draws a line in the sand on who she supports, without casting any doubt on her professional integrity. I wonder how many of Su Mucheng's fans will switch outright before the group stage, and how large the argument between the Excellent Era fans will start in the stands and on the internet over her actions.


That better be ye Xiu's shoulder. I ship it.


Su Mucheng is really coming out of her shell now!! Super-duper Boss! ... she's growing up *sniffles*


Oh my fucckingngngggggfn hell. This is the most beautiful damn end I have ever seen. Go SuMucheng!!!! I knew you could do it. SuMucheng for waifu😚😚😚


And now YX officially has 3 emotions: poker, anger, and sorrow


The one thing I love above all with this novel is the character development. How Sun Zheping is forever stubborn and straightforward and his regret to not being able to play for long periods of time, but when he plays he goes all out. Su Mucheng’s wish to be a forever supportive person and always being kind.


When will TKA stop making me cry?? From SZP’s insistence and moving forward, showing that his injury hasn’t dampened his spirit for Glory one bit; his playstyle and what he believed in... To SMC going above and beyond her limits, pushing herself to showcase nothing but professionalism and the spirit to win, no matter the circumstance and her feelings... truly, the player’s glory. And SMC’s finally able to cut her ties with EE clean, finally able to join the place where she feels at home... This chapter is so beautiful, I love you SMC!!! I love TKA, thank you for such a beautiful story! T_T


"Su Mucheng felt tears begin to form in her eyes. She quickly buried her face in the shoulder of the person sitting next to her..."Leave the rest to me!" That person said." I know there is barely any romance at all in TKA but this parts make me hope for them both


This chapter had more feeling and emotion with the use of words than any movie scene could portray, a true testament to the authors skill.


That. Was. POWERFUL! This is a real woman, she doesn't need to show all of her strength, because she's smart. She is content with a supporting role, but she will get as much GLORY in the end


Wow... this was so touching... How can this novel be constantly getting better and better? There has to be an upper limit, i have experienced so many emotions with it, sometimes even literaly falling off thE chair from laughter, yet it still only gets more interesting and brings new emotions.


Maybe her style says "Even if you threw away my partner like a trash, I can stand on my own and create my own playstyle."


omg. Mucheng left with the biggest bang possible. yaaaayyy!!! EE won the battle, but Happy will win the war. >)


someone please make a drawing of YX patting Mumu (as chibis)


applause from Sunzheping !! EE fans , if you still have that sportmanship in you ,damn,believe more in your former captain !!! now that I think about it , SZ and TangRou was really similar ..now I somehow understand a bit why Tang Rou will never back down


That was one heartfelt chapter, specially those last interactions by mucheng and ye xiu. I was about to explode with anger on the previous chapter that I have to calm myself down while reading. Echoing the words, " she had never wanted the spotlight for herself" back from the earliest chapters, come to think of it this is one of the biggest consequences ye xiu and su mucheng had to deal with when he was kicked, ye xiu loved the game and mucheng want to give her all out support but they have to be far apart in that sense. And now, ye xiu's words "Leave the rest to me!" makes you root for his success, team happy's success, because mucheng will be finally be able to stand by his side again. Whew, this incoming chapters will always leave me hanging up until the challenger league draws into its conclusion. Rooting for everyone's guts and patience :) thanks for the chapters!


" It really was a pity because he wouldn't have many more opportunities to play so recklessly, without a regard for the rules. He really missed the old days, when he so recklessly fight onstage however much he wanted. " DAMN , WHERE IS THAT DAMN NINJA CUTTING THE ONIONS ??


I really hate motherfker tao Xuan and that Wes awesome face smack by su mucheng