
Born of life

Once upon a time there were two best friends shashi Srivastava & Rahul Srivastava they were best friends they both were from varanasi. After completion of there post graduation degree they both migrated to Delhi they suffer a lot & at last they made it & buy a house in the same colony. Then they get married and they have kids Shashi had a boy shashi gave his child name 'RANIT' & Rahul had a daughter he gave his child name 'KARISHMA'. Now from there the real stroy begans they get old as a best friend they do there each & everything together now when they were on class V rani's friend asked them is she your girlfriend he don't know what to answer then he go to the karishma & ask here what are we she replied what do you think.... He answered i don't know with shyness karishma kissed him & she says told him yes i am your girlfriend then at class IX destiny changes......