
7 WAYS OF FULFILLING A WISH a way of finding your own potential

The book is based on a clear direction of man in finding his own potential through the elimination of all kinds of negative emotions, establishing an identity, a healthier relationship with God and the power to fulfill any desire.

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Creating a thought about a desire that will have the potential to become a reality encompasses the conditions of mastering all segments of the first two ways of this book. This means that you are not at all at this stage of the way of fulfilling a wish without the already found knowledge and purpose of life. Why is it so important, why can't you immediately imagine a wish? Everything that the first two ways of the book teach you, activate you towards your transformation with the process of life in and around you. This third method will not go away from understanding or successful application if you have not invested a significant period of time in the first two, ie the motive for desire and change of thought about yourself. This book is a handbook of success and achievement! Repetition and proactive consideration and application is essential for those who want to truly achieve success and the manifestation of desire. What is this part looking for? For the successful step and complete adaptation of this chapter, the already realized transformation of your subconscious is necessary, as well as the active action of consciousness. In short, the transformation I am quoting is nothing but the appearance and constant presence of peace due to your connection with your own identity of being.

From time to time as before you can get feelings of 'lower energy' as a necessary balance in the mood but that lower energy is by no means and never negative energy! Wondering after all the goal is peace? That! The goal is the avant-garde peace of your inner being for alignment with your source of existence, then your cognition, and finally a clearly defined purpose. Once you get this peace you understand why it was important to overcome the emotions of the 'battlefields' or convert them into positive constant emotions. How to recognize the full presence of this kind of peace? When an emotionally uncoordinated man feels the mood for a short period he very quickly experiences an attack of his emotions of the 'battlefields' and the accompanying negative energy with restlessness. The period in such a state is a brake called long-lasting negative energy which starts emotional impotence where a person often complains, demands from others what he does not have in himself, emitting emotions of hopelessness and fear that accumulate into anger, rage and dissatisfaction. Even when a period of more positive sequence occurs, it is the cause of the stated necessary balance of mood, but the domain of energy of such a man is the negative energy that is emitted around his body. Negative energy keeps the valves closed for peace and lasting satisfaction to come into your life and they do not open with your mood balance but with the establishment of a domain of positive energy with which to vibrate.

When you manage to establish positive energy, the peace of such energy is in you and can only be connected and synchronized with the peace of positive energy by others. Only when you truly gain this peace are you capable of supreme desires and success that activates your motive. The desire motive is easily activated with a good foundation of cognition and purpose and then you can get whatever you want. These states are a strength you could not have before. Peace in you maintains vital functions and health at the highest level and does not know: unrealistic fears or any unnatural fears, anger, rage, disappointments or any emotion of 'battlefields'. I believe that after learning the first and second ways you are now fully ready to create goals and desires. Do you feel the peace I am quoting? Don't be disappointed when you first read this chapter but understand what is written as a handbook that you will resolutely adopt and apply over a long period of time until you achieve what is necessary. When it comes to visualization, it is almost always a matter of necessary inner peace. Visualization is a term that has been familiar to you for a long time, but very few people can get to know the power and effect of visualization in achieving a desire precisely because of the first two ways in this book. When you master them, the desire you have imagined passes into the stage of possible realization. Any desire or its potentials are contained in you and ready for the manifesto.

Any desire to imagine you is in the sphere: health, love, abundance, successful socialization, business career. You express each part of these desires through more or less action towards everything and everyone around you. In the universe, all creation is complete and there is no new creation. All you need to do is invoke the default desire. The greatest indicator of the permanence of a strong cognition and purpose of a person is the appearance of the ability to act from the inside out. Any desire you have imagined is already in you, all that follows is its manifest outward in a materialized sense or event. Building a true inner paradise of a person opens strong capacities to create any desire that is chosen in the field of consciousness. The desire you imagine whether it is a cure from an illness, a love affair, a better job, a career, money, or the awakening of some talent already exists within yourself, not out there somewhere. Constantly finding the knowledge and purpose of life provides a special kind of gratitude that you could not feel before. People say happiness is in small things but the real cause is that gratitude in small things is a product of happiness. Such emotional states are completely necessary for the manifestation of the chosen imaginary image of your desire.

How to activate yourself in the process of fulfilling a wish?

Whether it is an imaginary image that your consciousness can create or whether it is the current reality that you see it can cause feelings to appear within you. The higher intensity filling you achieve is the result of a successful visualization or observation of an object in reality. The object of desire whether you are visualizing or already appearing in reality acts on you through positive feelings as a result of a strong ingrained desire within you. The visualization of a desire that has not yet manifested in reality must go through an already visible phase in your consciousness in your imagination. Every realized object of desire is an realized idea first in one's mind through imagination to a manifesto in reality. Every building, invention, idea or people you want to meet, etc., first of all represents an image of imagination in your mind that you maintain with a constant desire until it is fulfilled in reality. By continuously visualizing the desire, opportunities open up for the beginning of realization in reality. The world in a cultural-socio-economic position, owes its existence and such a state to the collective thought of the population that created such a reality. Try to think about it a little bit, right? The position of a society of a state largely depends on their collective consciousness, the dominant thoughts that shape their reality. The difficult socio-economic situation of a community largely reflects the collective consciousness of its members. The state of mind of collective negative thought depicts the state of such a society and community through reality. The reverse situation, strong prosperity, economic stability and cultural progress is a manifestation of the population with such thoughts. Truly thoughts through words and action create such an environment and reality.As an individual, you choose willingly how you will think and, in parallel with your thoughts, express the words that will shape your reality. A painter who paints a beautiful picture of nature or a building that beautiful scene materialized in reality is always the work of his thoughts and imagination. Works of art, inventions, immaterialized forms and situations, life organizations, etc. are always first of all one's thoughts as ideas, visualized and maintained consciously in the transition to the subconscious to finally find the way to realization into reality. Thought and imagination are an invaluable force of action and the creation of reality. How many new discoveries and ideas in the last hundred years for which you could not even imagine their rapid emergence and effective action. Just look at the development of electronics, computerization, mobile phones? Everything is the result of the thought process and the imagination of the individual and collective consciousness of people. Start by activating your thought in the positive desired direction and you will merge with the truth of the universe that you are the creators of your reality.

Visualization process

In the state of greatest peace and relaxation, usually before going to bed, as well as the moments after waking up in the morning, it is adequate to set aside ten minutes for the visualization process. The position of your body must be in a very comfortable position with no load whether you are lying down or sitting. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, and then at that moment direct all the action of your consciousness to your thoughts by creating an imaginary image or event as a result of your desire. It is extremely important that you reject all other unnecessary thoughts that would prevent you from experiencing the visualization to the maximum. There are two main segments for successful visualization: 1. You imagine the end result of the desired process, yourself and your emotions of fulfillment. You need to reassure your subconscious by experiencing a visualization that will evoke a positive feeling as if the event happened right now. For example, you imagine yourself to be happy and fulfilled with company or a partner on some beautiful beach. Going to that destination with dear people would make you extremely happy and fulfilled. In that case, visualize that you are happy, see yourself smiling, and also see your friends or partner happy because they want the same as you. Feel and see the environment where you are, what the sea shore looks like, the sunset or the warm wind you feel as well as the smell of the beach. Successfully share the same experience of enjoying attachment and dialogue. Give free rein to your imagination and add as many interesting details as possible to such an event. Open your eyes with the experience that everything imagined happened right now.

2. A sense of peace and contentment. Successful visualization after completion should evoke a pleasant feeling of your being with the appearance of peace and a positive feeling. If you don't have feelings at first, don't worry. A continuous process will lead to the perfection of the imagined image and the emergence of feelings. Why is the appearance of a good feeling during visualization important? Visualization is also a type of meditation, you actually imprint in your subconscious an imagined event that continuously turns into a belief or expectation that such a situation can really happen. Your subconscious is not really different from the imaginary. With the persistence of visual action, the subconscious creates opportunities in reality that will require your action until the manifesto of desire. In the above example, depending on what you need as a condition of going to the desired destination, the subconscious will look for an opportunity for you. If you need money, there will be opportunities to make money, if you need the decision of the people around you, there will be opportunities for successful dialogues and agreements, etc. When opportunities arise, take immediate action. For any of your wishes, the principle of visualization is exactly the same. In explaining this way of realizing yourself, do not be guided by a misunderstanding of something foreign and suspicious. Visualization is actually an idea, you already do it subconsciously in your life. For example, you drive your car and you are close to your city, you get an invitation from your wife or a family member to hurry home because your dear relatives are coming to dinner. At that point you subconsciously continue to drive and then usually a brief visualization of the upcoming family dinner. At that point you subconsciously continue to drive and then usually a brief visualization of the upcoming family dinner and pleasant conversations of dear people at the evening table occurs. So the idea can appear as a 'flash' image on strong associations and words.

What, then, is the difference in directional visualization? When you have associations with an event that announces its imminent fulfillment, then a 'flash' film appears that broadcasts your subconscious according to previous experiences of such situations in reality. However, these events are events of your daily life through your existing life habits. Therefore, you accept events according to their occurrence. In visualization, you want a new, specific event, that is, a wish, whether it is a life goal, or a great wish or a smaller one for certain situations or objects. Therefore, visualization is a constant continuous process that thought imprints into your subconscious all the way to beliefs that will cause opportunities for successful realization. Persistence of visualization is by no means a violent process, in fact it is an organized process of relaxation that requires discipline every day. The justification of this method is that if you really want to achieve something logically, you have to think about it, you have to see the picture of what has been achieved, you have to think. A thought motivated by motivation will create an opportunity for action and you will begin to see indications of the possible realization of your desire. The visualization process is a simple process of proper application. This process is closely related to meditation and represents healthy mental habits in your life. Visualization and meditation do extraordinary benefits to your psychological health by creating a focus of thought on a clear goal. In such an activated process, your nervous system gains balance as your thoughts activate your emotions. Without a specific direction of thought you gain confusion and susceptibility to negative thought which will thus affect your emotions as well. So, it is extremely important to know that a really specific goal in your consciousness is symmetry to your emotional state. As an example while reading a book your focus of thoughts on interesting content causes very quickly calmness and emotional balance in you. Emotions of peace and contentment through the exercise of visualization will change the course of events of your life according to the imagined goal. Pleasure raises your energy to a much higher level. The increased energy created strengthens your immune system and physical health while a smaller number of hours of sleep will provide you with quality rest. Such healthy conditions cause your actions and the appearance of opportunities that you could not recognize before. The power of directed thought has long been on the scene through the task of persuading people to apply such methods in improving their own lives. Today, even 100 and more years ago, there were great minds who selflessly expressed their knowledge, beliefs and achievements through the activation of thoughts.

Many people of this thesis refute the particular society of misunderstood religious spheres. Faith in God is a tame theory. God is the creator of humans, the universe, and all planetary wonders. But by truly giving life to man, he gave him the ability to think and reason like no other living being. Man has the task of discovering such a gift and its extraordinary effect. Through thought, a person maintains an ideal body weight, physical activity, uses a diet rich in proteins and vitamins necessary for his body. Is not that so? Thinking about what he wants will trigger additional actions! People who already have health problems have largely contributed to this condition. The problem of obesity is always associated with inadequate thinking, and further obesity will create additional ailments and diseases. Positive thinking and organized thoughts ultimately always result in living with such outcomes.