
7 minutes in Heaven

[UPDATES ON EVERY WEDNESDAYS!] "We can't date!" "Why not?" "Because I'm a nerd and you're a popular girl." "So?" "So we can't date!" "Says who?" "The world!" "Well then Rio Sanders, are you ready to prove the world wrong then?" . . . . . . 7 minutes... 7 minutes was all it took for two person’s world to be turned upside down. They knew each other yet they didn’t know each other. They were at the same school; one being shy and introvert and another being an extrovert and party monger. But one dare made themselves visible to each other. Rio Sanders is a typical shy nerd, who loves to bury himself in his books. An A+ student with a dark past. A wild 7 minutes was enough to make himself question about his true personality and catch the eye of the party animal of Roschend High. Emilia Johannas is an outgoing girl of Roschend High who loves to party. There’s no such party thrown by her schoolmates that she didn’t attend. Booze, dancing and late night revelry was all she knew. But a wild 7 minutes with a hot nerd lit the fire in her. She wanted him. Facing their demons and hurdles, these two polar opposite people embark on journey of finding true love and happiness.

sonamakoi_20 · Teen
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47 Chs

~Chapter 13~

"…but mom, are you sure you want to raise it?" The old woman put down her tea cup at the question of the young woman opposite of her. The young woman had a striking resemblance of the old woman when the latter was young, but at present, due to this kind of attitude from the young woman, the older woman wondered where she had made the mistake of raising the former properly because right now the older woman doubts that whether the young one who had a striking resemblance with her is really her daughter or not.

"Yes, you heard that right." The older woman stood up, scraping the chair at impact. The tea cup remained untouched.

"Still mom I—"

"I do not think Alyssa, that you have the authority to question my decisions." The old woman slowly walked to the front door; "Neither will I be returning nor he, so you can be rest assured." The old woman closed the door of the car. Before the car drove off, she had one last message for her daughter; "Also you don't have to attend my funeral."

The entire class, including Mrs. Okum was surprised like anything when Luke and Rio entered the room together. In fact Mrs. Okum couldn't even recognize Rio! Unlike every day, today Rio is not wearing a cap but his long overgrown hair has been doing a great job in shielding his eyes from others, his half sleeve t shirt exposed his white milky hands and the shirt that he usually wore on that t shirt was tied around his waist, his baggy jeans does not hang loose over his sneakers anymore as they are folded neatly just above his ankle.

"Uh…um…" Mrs. Okum stuttered having been distracted from what she was saying by the two students, one known and another unknown. "So now you cared to join us, Mr. Coswell?" That stuttering was only for two seconds and the old woman is back to her cranky self. "And who're you?" She fixed her attention on the boy beside Luke. "I don't think I have seen you in my class? What's your name?" She opened her attendance registrar to search his name.

"R-Rio Sanders, ma'am."

"Okay…Rio Sa—wait what?" Not only Mrs. Okum but the entire class was engulfed with various sounds of surprise and astonishment. Emilia's eyes too widened even though they never left from the boy when he entered the class. She too couldn't believe her eyes. She saw the picture after she arrived in school and was bombarded with tons of questions. She also received the information that Daniel and his cronies are searching for this mysterious guy. She tried to find Rio in the school but failed, what's more surprising was several people didn't even know him not even the fact that he goes to this same school as them! However she had to return to the class and hoped to find him there but surprisingly his seat was empty. She fished out her mobile to call him but realized its futility because she doesn't have his number.

And it was then the door was slid open two boys stepped inside. She understood that the unfamiliarly dressed up boy is none other than Rio the moment she heard his voice. Mrs. Okum excused the boys for their delay due to her inability to recover from the shock. In fact it's not just her but the entire class remained abuzz about this sudden transformation.

Rio felt extremely uncomfortable at this sudden attention. Luke had calmed him down and changed his dressing style assuring that it'd save him from being recognized by anybody. He needs to follow this style so that the rumors would die down and the students too would get new gossip to yap about by that time. But the first day of this transformation itself is very uncomfortable! How is he supposed to endure it for a month or so?

After the class, Emilia decided to speak; "Is this because of that….."

"Mn." Rio nodded. Luke bounded in at that time.

"How is it how is it? Do you like it? It was my idea." Luke's eyes shone as if he was expecting praises from her. Emilia smiled at this.

"It's really good Coswell. I almost didn't recognize him. But I think he'd look better if he….." She tried to remove the hair that was shielding Rio's eyes.

Big mistake.

Emilia felt a sting on her hand as it was slapped away by the boy. He felt apologetic moments after but before any three of them could speak, the discussed person ran out of the room.

Everything happened very quickly. Luke didn't even get the time to warn the girl.

"I don't understand why is he so scared?" Emilia nursed her hand that was still stinging.

"Ever since he saw the photo, he has been on edge since morning." Luke turned to Emilia. "It may not be a big deal for you Johannes but for people like us, Rio find it extremely concerning if we were made to get viral for some reason."

Throughout the entire day the students of Roschend High excitedly discussed and gossiped of the new look of Rio Sanders. The magical transformation of the gloomy Rio Sanders to a handsome mysterious hunk Rio Sanders. Some wondered why he hid himself as a gloomy, depressed person all this time when he could've gotten girls hanging from both of arms with that look! Changing one's dressing style could only mean one thing, he must have someone whom he likes! And maybe that is why he changed his fashion. Luke went around running his mouth about how he transformed his friend and he is extremely proud of his own work. When asked about the reason of sudden transformation he winked and said; "Oh that's a secret that I'm willing to take to grave."

Kim Seon Hul too was in awe, she too never expected a pretty boy under that oversized baggy jeans and shirt. Too bad his eyes are not visible. Nevertheless she was impressed with the transformation. On the other hand, Luke rubbed the back of his head as more and more girls and boys praised his work. Rio too got surrounded by some girls who tried to sweet talk with them. Observing this, Seon Hul was about to say something to her bestie but did not find her for she has already started walking towards Rio's table.

Seon Hul couldn't help but chuckle.

"And she says she feels nothing for him."