
7 FLOWERS And Friends The Metro City of Beautiful

7 fun little friendships in action! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SEVEN FLOWERS or the friendship of 7 beautiful flowers attended Metro City (Beautiful School), America. They are dream keepers hoping their dreams of becoming famous artists come true. However, unexpectedly, the barrier suddenly came to seize their dream, namely FIVE RIBBONS. They were arrogant and arrogant, their arrogance turned into jealousy and revenge against SEVEN FLOWERS. Then, what happened to them huh? Oh ... it turns out they have a competition ...! Fun, really exciting. But, can SEVEN FLOWERS beat FIVE RIBBONS? Or the opposite! ----------------------------------------------Don't use waiting! Let's just watch the story of “7 unique little friends” in this book. SUCCESS!

Cut_Ara · Teen
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Combined Class A and B

"Uh ...! Why are we being told to gather in the field huh, it's hot!" I complained to Reatally from Newland.

"Lia, shut up ... later we will also find out what is wrong," whispered Reatally in my ear which was burning by the hot sun.

In this Beautiful School we come from different countries. I am the only Indonesian who studied at Beautiful School, even though we are different from the place of origin, religion, race, gender and others, but we are good friends. Maybe there are some people who don't!

"Okay! Mr start, so starting tomorrow class A and B will be combined, because Class A or the table is being renovated, but only for Class IV, V, and VI others are not. Okay, thank you," an explanation from our principal named Mr. Sulters.

"What ..." I startled quickly. "That's impossible, our class will be enemies of Class A. Uh, don't really join the evil class like them," I said with a slightly irritated face.

"Lia, don't say like that! We are enemies of Class A but, what can we do already. Right, Ly?" said Fhira 'to me and asked Reataly's defense.

"He's ... yes, let's go home!" I said still annoyed.
