
Sneaking Out

Day 4

Soon Ying woke up only to see his highness asleep still but this time holding a box containing a rolled letter close to his chest she could tell by the red thread that it was another letter for the general and so she carefully picked up the letter trying her best not to wake up the sleeping prince.

Xie Yun at the moment was having yet another dream of the past, these days memories of the past keep flowing into him like an untamed river.

Xiao Yang and Xie Yun got to know each other more thanks to their mutual interest and love for peach blossoms which extended all the way to peach blossom cakes, yang was the one who taught the little prince how to make them. It was his mother's recipe which he learned from his father in hopes of making some by themselves one day but sadly not he nor his father was born with that talent and so when he took the first bite out of Yun's version of the cakes, he felt like he touched the sky. That day he didn't stop complimenting Yun until he felt like his entire body was now the color of a tomato.

Time goes by way faster when you are happy you never know the fact that you are running out of time... but with pain, time stops with you waiting with you while you pain almost as if telling you that it's okay to take your time to grow out of it but one should always remember that life goes on. While you wait not everyone will wait with you and that's okay.

One day while visiting Yun the other suddenly proposed an idea which was to sneak Yun out of the palace for a day this news made Yun happier than ever and he was so grateful that is until yang asked for peach blossom cakes as his pay for 'risking his life' sneaking him out.

though he was more than happy to make him cakes as every time he had them yang looked so happy but he wasn't going to show that outside now so he puffed up his cheeks in 'anger' which only made the other boy's heart melt and he quickly threw away the idea of the cakes which in turn caused the prince to panic and say "No! No! I'll make them for you...I was just joking"

And so, yang who ran away from his master and the prince who escaped from his room was now sitting in the kitchen waiting with Yun simply resting his head on the other's shoulder.

they didn't even get to have a bite before they heard footsteps coming and yang quickly pulled both of them under a table and they listened to the maids talking about how general Shang was walking around here and there looking for 'something' and yang could only hope that this 'something' the general is looking for wasn't him because he's been sneaking around so often, he's sure one of these days master will tie him up and pull him around.

he slightly shivered just thinking about it and hoped for the best but when he looked back, he saw the gleaming face of the young prince full of excitement at the mere thoughts of going out the walls. he felt as if his worries are quite meaningless as he pulled the prince over the walls and escaped into the hunting grounds.

Far deep into the hunting grounds was a secret tunnel that leads you to the middle of the town and so the two got into the tunnel and started to walk since it was dark Yun held very tightly onto Yang's hands who guided them.

And soon there was light seeping through from a small Corner and they quickly started to head in that direction.

Soon they found themselves in prime minister Xiao's mansion that's right the tunnel leads you to the prime minister's home this was made this way so they can protect the emperor during emergencies. For the most part, it was just Xie Yun gasping at everything and anything as if he hasn't even seen flowers before and as for Yang, he had two things on his mind currently one being obviously the peach blossom cakes they had to leave behind and the other being how his father would react to see that his son sneaked the prince out the palace. But looking at the young prince it didn't really Matter to him.

It was strange really how someone could be so much to you in a very short amount of time it's almost as if you were meant to meet this person. He had never been one to believe in destiny and such but now he dares to say protecting Yun that is his destiny.

It didn't take long before the news of the prince's disappearance spread to the whole palace and then the search began but then it suddenly stopped and no one spoke about the missing prince anymore and Yang didn't know how to feel about this though from the outside it looked favorable to them something tells him it's really not. He didn't even take his eyes off for 5 minutes but the prince had disappeared again but this time from him ...he quickly started to panicked and then he heard giggling sounds and guess what it was ...it was the prince with his father.

His father had known the prince since he was a baby as one of the emperor's most trusted men, he had always been close to the royal family in fact their family is the most loyal to the royal family along with ying and Bai families. Somehow the scene in front of him warmed his heart but the moment his father's eyes lifted from the prince to meet his. a chill went down his spine. It was a look that screams 'i will get you later' but Yang only just smiled at his father's and Yun excited to meet them together ran quickly to Yang who was thinking about how the search for the prince stopping had made sense now.

His father had already known and informed his majesty but that means general Shang knows too. He felt as if his blood ran cold at the thought, he could almost feel that old man's smile over his head but yin calling his name broke his out of his thoughts he looks at the prince as he gleamed at him...I guess it doesn't really matter after all he thought