

Soo-Yong hit the snooze button of his alarm clock going off at 5:30 A.M, before getting attacked by his dog, telling him to wake up. "Alright don't need to lick my face off, I'm up" He got off the couch before she mauled him again, and got ready for another boring day at high school. This year wasn't boring actually, since the school had said that a few special people were coming for the school's annual dance contest, and like always, Soo-Yong was signed up for it.

He made it to school an hour early, since he lived on the other side of Seoul. He ran to the practice room,, where nobody would be in at 6:30 except for him. He pulled out phone, but he wasn't doing Growl this time, instead he was doing Call Me Baby, since all the girls asked him too. He didn't want to at first, but with all the girls pleading at him too, he gave in, and now he had to perform it in front of over 400 kids, and plus two special people that were coming.

He was in the middle of the practice, when he didn't hear the door open, and a group of girls walked in, seeing him practice from outside. "Soo-Yong oppa! That was amazing, really" One of the senior girls grabbed onto his arm after he paused the video. "I have to agree with Mikoyan on that one oppa, you will win the contest." Soo-Yong wanted them to leave since the contest was in two hours.

"Girls, I appreciate the encouragement, but even if I don't win, it doesn't mean I won't stop on making covers." He pinched their cheeks, before seeing what time it was.

"Oh you girls better get going to class, the contestants need to practice until 07:25" He did the famous Jimin hair sweep, before grabbing a water from the vending machine.

. . .

Everyone was in the auditorium, waiting for the principal to announce who the two special people were. He first brought out the contestant's in order, and as soon Soo-Yong went in line, the girls in the whole school went nuts.

"Soo-Yong oppa!" A few girls yelled from the back, while a random "Marry me Soo-Yong sunbaenim!" was shouted. They were quieted down, as the principal came up on stage.

"I see that some of you have a favorite tonight, but you will be screaming after you hear who our two special guests are. Please welcome... Chen and Baekhyun from Exo, everyone!"

Everyone went nuts, as the two walked up on to the stage. There were cheers, screams, and people calling their names. Soo-Yong just glanced over, seeing the two walk on stage. Both of them were on his 'soon to be bias wreckers' list, and he couldn't actually believe that they were here.

" Wow, we didn't expect to get this much reaction out of a high school, but we're glad to be here. Anyway we are here to pick the winner, as if they win, then they get to a more higher up contest to try and win for a trainee spot. Now who's ready to watch some epic dances!" As Chen finished, everyone cheered, as the performers were huddled in the back with their managers.

"I can tell your nervous Sooshi, your excessive pacing is showing it" His manager, Nuni was in the back with him, helping him get ready. He was doing 'Call Me Baby' and decided to look like Baekhyun. He practiced in the corner for a bit, until it was his turn to go out.

"Next we have number 347, Soo-Yong Park, doing Call Me Baby. Please welcome him out on the stage" The announcer who was the principal, announced, as the lights dimmed and the beginning of Call me Baby started, before Kai's part came on. As soon as Kai's part hit, the lights came on, and Soo Yong was doing every part great, even until the group part, where about 11 back up dancers came out and danced with him. Everyone was cheering, even Chen and Baekhyun were.

"Does 347 remind you of someone?" Chen curiously asked Baekhyun, who was watching the other people perform.

"Yeah, that cover dancer called Sooshi on You tube." Baekhyun pointed out, before he went back and saw the name. "Hold on, they said 347's name was Soo Yong Park right?"

"Where are you going with this? " Chen slapped Baekhyun on the back of the head.

"What I'm saying in that Soo Yong Park is Sooshi. He dance's the way he does in his covers." Baekhyun stated, circling Sooshi's name on their papers for who the winner was.