

Hiro had been fighting for hours, and the battle was far from over. He was making his way through the city streets, taking down aliens and protecting civilians as he went. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

Voice: "Hiro! Is that really you?"

Hiro turned around and saw a figure emerging from the smoke. It was his old friend, Akira, who he had not seen in years. Akira was also wearing a combat suit and carrying a weapon, just like Hiro.

Hiro: "Akira! I can't believe it's you. What are you doing here?"

Akira: "I could ask you the same thing. I joined the Earth Defense Force a few years ago."

Hiro: "Me too. Looks like we're both in the same line of work now."

Akira: "Yeah, I guess so. It's good to see you again, Hiro."

Hiro: "You too, Akira. It's been too long."

The two friends embraced, both feeling the weight of the situation they were in. They had grown up together on New Earth, but had gone their separate ways after finishing school. Now, they were reunited in the middle of a warzone.

Akira: "So, what have you been up to since we last saw each other?"

Hiro: "Not much, just training and fighting. What about you?"

Akira: "Same here, except I've been stationed on a few different planets. This is my first time fighting on New Earth."

Hiro: "Yeah, things have changed a lot since we were kids. But we can catch up later. Right now, we need to focus on the mission."

Akira: "Right. What do you need me to do?"

Hiro: "There's a weapons cache a few blocks away that needs to be secured. Think you can handle it?"

Akira: "Piece of cake. You coming with me?"

Hiro: "No, I've got my own mission to complete. But I'll meet up with you later."

Akira: "Got it. See you soon, Hiro."

The two friends exchanged a nod, and then went their separate ways. Hiro couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort knowing that his old friend was by his side, even in the midst of war.