
No Resistance

Time has no essence. The eternal flow of sand from the hourglass of time is without embodiment when compared to the purgatory of death. I've killed countless individuals without so much as even knowing who they were and why they're being marked. This life, this endless waltz with duty is beyond normal understanding. Have I atoned for my atrocities? Probably not. I have much to pay back and give homage to still. In this life and not the next, my duty is not yet over.


His body is covered in a thick sweat, his eye is glazed over, his breathing is shallow and weak. I don't have any serious drugs to administer so all I'm able to do is insert an IV line and occasionally wipe his body down. His tone, muscular body adorned by a plethora of battle scars glistened in the faint light. I aptly wiped his fully naked body down with a chilly hand towel. Subconsciously, I wanted him even more now than ever but, his current physical state is in very poor taste.

My body... my mind... no my spirit is exhausted. Lust and desire overwhelm my other senses. I have to satiate these cravings before I lose myself again. This body is driven by appetence and carnal lechery. I give it my all to resist the torment but there is always the itch for salacity. I have to give in...

I'm standing naked beside Hyousuke before I realize it. His tone, trained body was enveloped by cold sweat shimmered in the faint light of the moon. I trace my fingers along his muscular calves, working my way to his pelvic region. His nonerect glans are exposed to my faint touch as I caress his scrotum while rubbing the tip between my delicate fingers. I remember that's the way I like being touched the motions that really drove me to swell in an instant. I simultaneously slowly lick his sweat starting from his abdomen and work my way up to his nipples. Handing his flaccid member is proving to be difficult from any greater distance so I focus on stimulating his right nipple while continuing my sensuous hand gestures down below. My loins heat up and I start to feel a slight trickle of my vaginal secretions trickle down my leg. My breathing becomes deep and ragged as I'm in the serious mood to fuck.

Hyousukes body responds to my stimulation, his flaccid member standing fully erect and at attention. My thighs mindlessly rub against each other in anticipation for the main course. I stop caressing his scrotum and start sensually stroking the tip of his penis and slightly gripping his swollen shaft. My now free hand roams to my clitoris and engorged labia, rubbing along both sensitive areas. My secretions increase in volume while easily lubricating my stimuli. With one final tongue loop around his nipple, I start to lather his glans with my saliva, carefully licking his tip and slowly working my way down the backside of his shaft. I carefully lap at his scrotum and apply hard suction to one of his freely hanging testicles. I'm pretty sure he's bathing in pleasure but unfortunately, his current condition isn't able to respond accordingly. Then again, my body is driving itself and the pleasure I seek wasn't willingly given so, here I am about to take what I want how I want it against his will.

I carefully straddle Hyousuke's pelvis, cradling his penis between my perineum and crevice. My honey freely flows adding extra lubrication to his glistening stalk. My hips grind and rub along his hot, smooth phallus. Hyousuke's precum adds to our connection. Our fluids freely mix together in harmony. Sticky, wet noises reverberate through the room reminding me of my carnal desire for a long fucking session. I focus on the connection between our bodies, his throbbing hot member expanding and swelling under guidance from my rhythmic gyrations and undulations. I'm probably wearing my vocal cords out from my moans and cries for pleasure but all I can perceive is the pleasure welling in my mind stemming from our connection. More... More... More... This is amazing... Hyousuke's swollen penis rubs all along my inflated labia and ends prodding my now erect clitoris. I'm seeing fireworks with each time I pelvic grind against his hot, engorged, throbbing shaft...

I'm brought back into reality as Hyousuke's hot sticky semen bursts forth onto his abdomen and across my honeypot. His seed continues to erupt as I grind and kneed against his trembling and spasming penis. Just a bit more... I press down harder as I try to milk out more pleasure before he loses hardness. Our situation is now a hot, sticky mess as our bodies clash for extra pleasure. Just a bit...


My final scream is audible through the thick fog that is my pleasure. The soothing relief while orgasming now mixing in the afterglow of my carnal lust for pleasure. I want more... I unstraddle his pelvis and begin to stimulate his flaccid glans again via mouth suction and controlled rhythmic hand jerking. I need him fully erect for the main course... My Honey freely flows forth following my ejaculation running down his body onto the bed below. The sheets are soaking from our, well, mostly my juices. My head rapidly bobs up and down as his slightly erect penis tunnels and retreats down my throat. I resist the urge to cough each time his penis peeks at the back of my esophagus. The strong taste of his cum spreads through my mouth, it's slightly sweet, a taste I wouldn't mind every so often during a blowjob. I continue to work his shaft and tip including some extra tongue work along his sweet sensitive spots. Again and again, adjust suction and rapidly jerk hard along his member like a meat popsicle. I work my hand and head till my hand grows numb and my jaw begins to hurt. Hyousuke's penis remains mostly flaccid even through my extensive stimulation. My body craves more but I'll have to wait for his body to relax and reset. My sweet Hyousuke... The night is still young.