
Is This Love?

'More! More! Uuuuu... Ahhh...'

My moans echo throughout the room. While he is decently endowed, he's opting to instead angle his penis to hit my upper vaginal wall amplifying my pleasure in troves. His thrusts are precise and hit my g-spot every time. My mind's going blank. All I have to do is focus on the pleasure. The pleasure is my escape from the suffering and pain I've experienced thus far. My vagina clasps and retracts. Tension builds up throughout my body as his penis swells and throbs. I reach out to his face and he brings it close to mine. His thrusts change angle and drill deeper in my folds, briefly kissing the entrance to my womb. I embrace his neck and we passionately kiss letting our tongues roam free in each other's mouths. We are both accepting the heat of the moment.

The welling in my stomach is nearing its peak. His face tenses up as he is nearing climax as well. I try to wrap my legs around his waist to pull him in deeper. His pace rivals that of a sewing machine. My body shakes and rumbles under the impacts of his thrusts. My body quakes as the pleasure from my brain reverberates throughout my body ending in an eruption ecstasy and fluids rushing out. He keeps thrusting like a jackhammer in my afterglow, my vagina still very sensitive and I feel like melting into his body. At the very last moment, he pulls out and sprays waves after wave of hot sticky semen across my chest and abdomen. His heat soaks into my melting body. My mind feels like it's a mile high. My conscience starts to fade. My eyes blur the images. A voice calls out to me...

"Wake up..."

I suddenly spring awake and sit up straight. I seem to be in a decently furnished room with an IV bag threaded in my arm. Hyousuke is slumped over in a nearby chair, bloody bandages cover most of his body. I try to get up but the weight of my very body feels too heavy. My movements are weak and uncoordinated. What happened?


My voice is weak and barely audible. Hyousuke stirs and clumsily meanders over to my bedside. His left arm hangs lifelessly at his side and his right arm clutches his abdomen. His eye wells with tears as he stumbles over. He brings his right hand and grazes down my face. His body sways uneasily.

'W-what ha... ppened?'

He closes his eye and shakes his head side to side. Even if he could talk, he probably wouldn't tell me. Hyousuke is visibly hurt and I'm in a new place that I don't recognize. A million questions swirl through my head and I'm sure he wouldn't answer any other than-

'Are we safe now?'

Hyousuke pauses and takes a brief look toward the only window in the room. He looked like he was analyzing things carefully before responding. After a very awkward pause, Hyousuke looks back at me and nods his head up and down.

'T-thank y-y-you. Ple... se get some rest.'

Hyousuke nods his head again and turns to go back to his chair.

'S... stay in my bed with... me...'

Hyousuke's body freezes in place. He slowly cocks his head in my direction so that his eye barely peeks over his shoulder. He hesitates for several moments before lumbering around the bed to lay down. Up close, I notice numerous scars adorning his body from various types of wounds; cuts, burns, and possibly bullet holes. I don't know what happened in his past but I'm willing to let him sleep next to me or even... let me thank him for all he's done for me.

I softly caress his face. His skin is surprisingly soft and well taken care of. Surprising for a man who looked like he was born of war and bloodshed. I bring myself to rest against his broken body. Hyousuke carefully puts his bandaged right arm to rest on my shoulder while gently running his hand through my silvery hair. My loins get moist, my legs squirm. My body grows hotter by the second. All I've known was a life of debauchery so my body craves it. No... my body needs it. My heart beats quicken. I slowly move to straddle him.

Hyousuke doesn't resist or well, cannot resist my advances. I rest my petite frame on top his groin area and start sensually rubbing my butt up and down. I feel the outlines of his flaccid groin through our clothing. I increase the friction between our bodies my pressing harder and slowing the movements in one direction but quickly moving in the other. I want his dick...

Through all my sensual rubbing, my moaning, my very heat; Hyousuke's body doesn't respond to my current set of stimuli. He's definitely awake and breathing. Why is he resisting? I try a different tactic. I crawl my way up and start deep french kissing him, rolling my tongue through his mouth and rubbing against his tongue. With my left foot, I press my arch against his groin and stroke up and down slowly. Hyousuke reciprocates my kissing by swimming his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues dance and tease each other. Our salivas mix together and become one. I want to become one with him. But, Hyousuke's penis refuses to agree.

'Why... why won't you fuck me?'

Tears well in my eyes and flow down my face. Hyousuke is probably the only guy who has constantly helped me my whole journey and unlike all the other men I've met, hasn't tried to fuck me in any way. My heart thumps and burns. Am I in love?

Hyousuke gently puts his right hand to my face and wipes away my tear trails. He closes his eye and shakes his head. He pulls me close and embraces my frail body. Perhaps this is why I have grown to love Hyousuke, his general kindness and he doesn't just lust for the female body. But, I do want him to fuck me regularly...