
5,000,000,000 years in an hour

I was only a normal student when that thing happened, I was sent into an empty space, forced to train there for many, many years, deprived of food, entertainment, constant torturing and suffering and before I knew it, 5 billion years have passed but only an hour have passed in real time.

One_Man_Army · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 - The return

The view in the park was amazing, especially now, this sunset. Was I new to this kind of scenery after countless years spent on nothing or was the park really gives me this nostalgic, calming and extraordinary feeling?

Well, I care not, I just wanted to enjoy breathing in Earth once again.

A man in suit who drives quite a luxurious car drives outside the park calls for me.

"Master Azon, so you were here! Thank God! I had hard time finding you, your mother is dead worried about you while your father has sent me to look for you."

Hmmm? Who is this guy? I don't remember him. I don't even remember my mother's name, the same goes for my father. Oh well, it's better to ask him.

I then stood up from the grassy terrain I've sat on and approached the man in suit.

This guy... I feel like we're familiar with each other, better ask him some questions.

"You... Who are you again?"

"Master, you're joking, right? There's no way you'll forget your assistant's name."

"Ah, about that, you see, I'm quite stressed since my classmate have issued me to finish our classroom's documents and I have quite the memory loss after that."

"Is it? Well then, I'm Klift, I'm your personal assistant issued by your father and trusted by your mother, I have been with you since birth, Master Azon, you don't know how cute you were when you-"

"Alright, alright, I got it already, let's go home now, I'm quite tired."

"Of course, Master Azon."

Klift, huh? It's been so many years since I've heard that name, this guy really brings up your embarrassing past.

We then entered the luxurious car and then drove away from the park. There, me and Klift chatted while going home.

"By the way, Klift, how do you know where I was?"

"That's simple, Master Azon, one of your buttons is a tracker so I can assist you in time of needs or when you are in danger."

Woah... What's up with this assistant? That's quite creepy implanting a tracker on someone without them knowing.

"Please understand, Master Azon that your father personally agreed for me to implant a tracker into you without you noticing so that you'll never be anxious nor afraid."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand. Speaking of which, Klift, care to know what time is it right now?"

"Huh? Don't you have a watch, Master Azon?"

"About that..."

It's quite strange, my watch was not with me. Back in the cube, when my physique was bulkier, my uniform did not fit so I used it to wrap my fist so I can reduce the damage taken but I threw away my watch since it's of no use to me in the cube.

In conclusion... Anything that is around my body that time is transported along me back to Earth, the watch was not transported along with me since it's not around my body. It makes sense now, I should come up with an excuse about my watch.

"You see, Klift, about my watch, I lost it."

"Master Azon? You lost the watch? That costs around $5000. No matter, as long as you are safe your mother can buy you a new one."

"Thanks but what time is it now."

"It's about 5:30 PM now."

"5:30, huh... I see, thank you, Klift."

5:30... If I remember correctly, I was in the office on 3:30, after I came back from the cube, I did not bother looking at the time and spent my time on the park for about an hour. In short, after coming back from that cube, I only spent about an hour in Earth's time.

Interesting, the cube itself is something that defies logic especially the time flow and my strength. Oh yeah, about my strength, I'll test it back on home, I'll observe if it has diminished even a bit.

After a little ride from the park to my home, I finally arrived, my home, it's huge, astonishing and eye catching, if it were the me back then I would have probably think of this as nothing.

"Master Azon, we're here."

"Yeah, thanks, Klift."

"You're thanking me, Master Azon? That's quite rare of you but I do appreciate it. Thank you."

That's nice, this Klift guy is actually a very good guy, if I were to remember correctly, I was quite arrogant in front of my family members and assistant but an angel to my classmates. Nonetheless, he still helped me despite that, what a good guy.

As I've opened the door to my home, I was greeted with quite the sight, it's like those palaces I saw on the movies, the inside is spacious and well decorated, there's even a huge painting hanging on the other side of the door, there's a handful of maid too.

The maids greeted me with a wave of a hand, it's quite not right since I remember in the movies the maid always bow to their masters or something alike. Well, not that I care though but what I am annoyed the most is that...!

"Oh! Azon, you're here! I thought you're kidnapped by some bad people. Are you hungry? I'll ask the maids to cook some food for you."

Yep, that's my mother alright. Although I'm already old and I'm already in college, my mother treated me like some sort of kid but I do not hate that, it's not rare for other people to even get a caring mother yet I have one.

"No, mother, I'm not hungry, I'm just quite tired."

"Really? You're different today, you're supposed to be embarrassed and be mad at me."

"I was embarrassed... But, mother, I pondered over and over again that some people don't even have a caring mother. Therefore, I'm quite blessed to have you."

My mother is then shocked at my words. Well, that's normal since I was not as arrogant as before.

"Awhhh... Azon, no need to flatter your mother."

She then pinched my cheeks really hard.

"I'm also quite shocked at my changes, mother. So, can I rest now?"

"Of course, have a goodnight, Azon."

"I will, mother."

I then go upstairs, entered my room and fell into my bed.

"That was tough... The questions about the cubical space still remains in my head but I've got no time to ponder on it for the time being since that's not my focus now."

It seems that I lost track of some of my memories but I barely remember everything now.

I was tasked by my class president to finish some documents and after that I've got transported to that cube...

Wait... The cube is an enclosed space so how did I know that a day or a year has passed? I just unconsciously wrote the day, months and years I've stayed there but I never actually know if even a year has passed.

No matter, that's not my priority for the time being for now, I'll sneak out of my house first and go to a nearby empty space and test my strength.

I then proceed to go to an abandoned city by running there from my home at quadruple the light speed.

"That was fast, I expected to at least arrive in 2 seconds but it seems I arrived not even a second has pass. If it were a normal person, they need to take a bus ride for 30 minutes to arrive here but that seems unnecessary for me."

I then stand in the middle of the abandoned city and punched the ground without even exerting any force.

The effortless punch cracked the ground by a radius of about 50 meters wide and about 20 meters deep.

"That was surprising, I didn't even use any force in that punch right now, it seems that the surface here on Earth is weak by miles compared to the material of the cube."

"Then that means that if I use even a tiny bit of force I could destroy this entire abandoned city. Oh well, who cares, let's go home now."

That morning...

I woke up from my bed and did the usual morning routine, hugged my mom and go to school.

"Man it's been a long time since I've seen the school building."

Klift is currently escorting me to my school.

"What was that, Master Azon?"

"Nothing, I just said that the school is quite nice today."

"Well, I hope you have a wonderful day in your class today, Master Azon, I'll pick you up at 4:00PM sharp."

"Thank you, Klift."

"You're welcome, Master Azon, I should go now."

And with that, I came to school after a day (5,000,000,000 years)