
4X Life

4X - eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate! What would you do if you were selected to beta test a 4X game? What if the 4X game was not virtual, but real? Would you be able to grab the chance and build the perfect empire? Or fall like so many others and be forgotten in the stream of time? When the convenience of modular automatic constructions is allied with the latest technology in genes manipulation, the perfect war factory is built. As the chaos is spread, lives are born, weapons are created, territories change hands and the future became unpredictable! For fame, for fortune, for survival. A legendary battle of epic proportions will soon take over Space.

SLOP · Sci-fi
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86 Chs

People talking, people running, people eating

G. F. Conqueror, one of the only six Leviathan class Colonization Spaceships ever constructed and the only one of them who is privately owned by the Golden Fang Family.

Measuring 12,722.97 kilometers from bow to back, this incredible masterpiece of humankind's craftmanship is able to sustain the whole population of a Planet while travelling through deep space.

Inside the VVVIP area, a refined bronze skinned beauty rested in a sophisticated chair beside the pool, while she lazily browsed through her virtual tabled, analyzing the clothes catalog of her newest acquisitions while deciding which one to pick for tonight's dinner.

As she took a sip of the drink in her hand, and the waiter moved to fill it again, a video call popped up disturbing her routine and making her frown for a second, but she quickly fixed it, making it disappear as if it was a lie and a relaxed smile bloom in it's place as she accepted the call.

"Hello John, what do I own the pleasure?"

"The thing that I asked, have you finished it?"

"Little John, little John! Who do you think I am? Of course I have finished it ages ago!"

"Great, then move the Conqueror to the 7th and drop the package. By what you said before, one month should be enough, right?"

"Of course it's enough. If you are really in a hurry, I can even accelerate it for by one week."

"Then do so. There is no demerit in finishing the preparations early."

"No problem. And how are things on your side? Are you having fun?"

"Of course I am. I can't wait for them to mature so we can play a real match!"

"Hohohoho! It's great that you are having fun, but don't forget about me, all right?"

"Even if I forget, there are plenty of lackeys working for me who will be happy to remind me every week."

"That's great to hear! Do they have anything yet?"

"The test phase has just ended. For now only the preliminary data is available, but, if you are curious, you can access it via the terminal."

"Fantastic! I can't wait! Anything else?"

"Hmm.... no, that's all for now. If I need anything I will contact you again later."

"Of course! I live to serve, your majesty!"

"Hahaha! Bye!"

"Goodb-" Shhhh----

The call ended abruptly before the woman could finish talking.

"Rude as always, this damn brat! Marcel, you heard him, go prepare everything!"

"Yes, my lady!"

"Little John, little John... One of these days I will make you cry!"


A few kilometers west of Apollo's HQ, a young girl was running for her life with a huge egg in her hand. Far in the distance many clouds of smoke rose in the air, coming out from the wreckages of what used to be her home.

Half a day had passed since she had started running and by this time her home had been destroyed, her sisters were killed and her Master had disappeared. Now all that was left to her were the last order her Master gave her in that moment of despair.

"Take the egg and run! Run as far as you can! Far away from here!"

Little did she know that her Master's intentions were nowhere near kind as it appeared. What he truly wanted to do was to use her as a bait, to take all the boars that were sieging his base right at that moment away from that place.

Unfortunately for him, his plan didn't completely work. While half the boars did continue to chase after the girl, the other half attacked his base in a berserk state that didn't follow logic or reason.

Unaware of all this, the girl left the base and kept running and running inside the dense forest while being chased by a horde of boars.

The boars were fast but only run well in a straight line, so the girl kept making sharp turns and using the trees as obstacles to keep her advantage and little by little outwit her chasers to gain distance.

After half day of hard work she had finally gotten free from the last boar, but she still didn't stop following the order of her master, running with all she had, far away from the base.

(I'm so tired. My legs feel heavy. It hurts to breath. I can't feel Master anymore...)

(Have I ran far enough? No! Master told me to run as far as I can! I still can run! I can't stop yet!)

(I can't disappoint Master! Without Master, I have nothing! I got to keep running! Got... to... keep... running...)

(Master... have... I... done... well?)

(Will... you... praise... me... now?)



At the 5th Monitoring Station, it was lunch time!

A senior sits besides his junior and takes out his packed lunch, setting it up on the table before starting to eat.

Seeing his senior's lunch, the junior remembers a scene from the day before, where the whole pack of boars was chasing after the thief who stole a single egg from it's nest.

"Hey, Senior. Why did all the boars chase after the egg thief? Did that egg have something special?"

Hearing his junior sudden question, the senior frozen in place as he tried to think of an answer. After a whole minute, the senior put down his fork and started to explain.

"As far as I remember, there is no such a thing as a special boar, like a Boar General or a Boar King."

"The boars that live on this planet are result of the second batch of servants prototypes. Because they are from the early batches, their design flawed and their intelligence is as low as a dog."

"They do carry maternal and reproductive instincts though, so maybe it's this that's making them act that way."

Convinced by his senior's answer, the junior nodded in agreement, but his senior didn't stop there and continued to talk.

"Actually I feel it's a bit of a waste to use them like we are doing."


"They are acting that aggressive because they grew in the wild. Those we grew in the lab, who had contact with humans from birth, were quite tame and obedient."

"They could be used as cheap labor in high gravity planets where horses are unable to survive, carrying resourced, pulling carriages or pulling the plow to prepare the field...."

"Using them as neutral enemies to young master's game seems so...cruel...."

As the senior finished his melancholic talk, the junior looked at his senior's plate, filled with a bit pork steak, and shook his head...

Sorry, I fell asleep ;p

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