
3rd Rate Villain's Way Of Creating A Strongest Guild In History.

1. Disclaimer: Zero to the strongest villain(setting) 2. Disclaimer: This is not the story where the main character gets Transmits into a novel (he is a villain cause of his action, so there are no hero or main female lead characters like other villain novels. so keep that in mind before you start.) 3. Disclaimer: no harem, there is a single female lead. .............................. After the death of Edwin Bald, one of the greatest villains in Eldora (a world of magic and fantasy creatures) the faceless god gave him an unexpected chance. Even though Edwin was a lich who had broken many laws of nature and committed countless sins, the god offered to make him human again, but not in Eldora. This time, he would be reborn on modern Earth. Additionally, Edwin could choose any blessings (trait/ talent) from the list to help him in his new life. Unexpected to him, Edwin Bald woke up in the body of Asuka Volford, a fatty, trash, molester, who was even cuckolded by his girlfriend, making him commit suicide. Also born to a noble family. The story follows Edwin, and how he step by step become strong, creating his own legend, and ultimately becoming the leader of Earth's biggest criminal syndicate which aims to conquer the entire world, from mere third-rate villain despised by the whole world

YourAverage_Reader · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Lick My Feet You Overpowered Monk...

Asuka's brow furrowed in disbelief. "What was that?" He remained standing as Aang slowly approached. 

"This is my A-tier blessing, Vajra Body!"

Coming next to Asuka, Aang looked down at him, his grin widening. "Now get ready to propose to Jane, and face your death." Mocking Asuka, He let out a loud chuckle.

Taking a step back, Aang pulled his fist back, readying a powerful strike. "Salvation of Merciful Buddha!"

At that moment Asuka froze, his instincts screaming at him to dodge, but his body just refused to move.

In that moment, all he could do was stare at the approaching fist as Aang's devilish grin widened.

[Do you want to use A-tier blessing: Timekeeper's Hourglass...]



Aang's fist slammed into Asuka's chest, shattering bones in his ribcage. He doubled over, vomiting blood from the impact. The sheer force even caused his eye to pop out.

Falling backwards to the ground, Asuka looked up at Aang's commanding figure. Even if he wanted to cry out in pain, his mouth wouldn't open, his jaws were shattered.


"What a weakling," Aang laughed, his eyes boring into Asuka with disappointment. "I held back a lot, and yet you still disappointed me, Son of Volford. I expected more."


[Now Starting the loop...]

As blessing worked, Time seemed to rewind itself back.

Asuka found himself restored to the same position he was in 3 seconds earlier, standing before Aang as he readied his fist attack. Even the air within a 5-meter radius reverted to its previous state.

Asuka stared in disbelief as watch the same scene unfold again, 'Fuck, this actually worked. Haha,' he chuckled inwardly. 

Again taking a step back, Aang pulled his fist back for a powerful strike. "Salvation of Merciful Buddha!"

'This time I have to give it my all, or I'm eternally fucked,' Asuka pondered as the same punch approached.

[Eye of Master Activated...]

Just before Aang's punch could connect, Asuka stepped back quickly, his eye glowing white as hot white smoke poured out from them.

"What? You actually managed to dodge?" Aang spoke in disbelief as Asuka evaded his attack.

Looking at him, Asuka thought, 'There should be a reason he didn't keep Vajra Body activated for all time. Maybe he can only use it when standing still.' Asuka stood frozen, doing nothing. 'I'll first make him move here.'

Watching Asuka do nothing, not even taking a battle stance, Aang frowned and quickly lashed out in a fluid movement towards Asuka, his punch directed at Asuka's chest.

Noticing the perfect attack movement he was waiting for, Asuka's grin widened. 

Using his Master's Eye blessing, Asuka could see Aang's mana streams perfectly, even his weakness. From Aang's core, all divine mana was channelled into his fist, leaving his lower body defenceless. This was something he could exploit to turn the table easily.

Taking a deep breath and completing the first form, the Wind Stance, Asuka quickly focused all his remaining mana into his blade.

Concentrating on a strike that would channel the wind's cutting edge, making his katana a razor-sharp gust of wind. "Fourth Form: Wind Blade!"

With the use of the Master's Eye, Asuka's accuracy increased threefold. He was clearly able to see the mana paths, giving him a huge advantage.

As Aang moved closer, Asuka quickly unsheathed his katana, directing it at Aang's leg. With a swift motion, the visibly turned green katana cut through his leg.

But noticing the sudden attack, Aang quickly stopped his advance and covered his body with Vajra, but some part of his leg was already cut.

Bending down, he touched his blood, then looked up at Asuka, who was barely holding on due to excessive mana loss. He declared, "Great, you win. Take care then. I'll get going."

"Huh?" Asuka's condition was growing more severe due to mana loss. He was barely holding up, panting heavily, but a smile of satisfaction tugged at his lips. "So this is my first victory with a sword. Not bad."

Before leaving, Aang patted Asuka's back. "Next time, I won't hold back, Son of Volford."

"We'll see about that later, but don't forget your promise, and apply a potion already. Blood is flowing through your leg." Panting heavily, Asuka spoke with a cocky grin tugged on his sweaty face.

"Don't worry about that. I have a blessing that helps me regenerate faster." Without even looking back, Aang headed straight towards his room.

Meanwhile, Asuka fell onto the training ground, looking at the evening sky with a satisfied smile.

Just as Aang opened the door to his room, his CAD suddenly vibrated. 

Swiping the call icon sideways, he picked up the call, his lips widening with a smile, as he reported "You were right, brother. Asuka has what it takes to awaken his bloodline talent. Now you can take it easy with your oath."


<Night 10 PM>

<Black Dragon WG Headquarters USA>

"Tsk! Now we've even lost the rights over Italy's A-rank dungeon," the Sword Saint walked through the grand hallways, his face etched with frustration.

Sensing something suspicious, the Sword Saint unsheathed his katana and slashed mana strike towards a nearby pillar.

Deflecting the attack with his arms, a man in a long black coat and suit revealed himself from hiding.

The man had long white hair and many scars on his face. His blue eyes shone as he bore his domineering gaze on the Sword Saint, making the latter flinch slightly.

"Moonknight Blade Kai? What is the Ethereal Society's dog doing here?" the Sword Saint said as he directed his sword towards the white-haired man.

"Hayato, if the Kaito truly cares about its Divine Lady's child, I want you to hand Asuka over to us. The Highlord has secured a growth position which only one exists in the whole world. He will give it to Asuka only when Asuka meets with him."

"Over my dead body, Kai. A traitor like you has no right to speak in this matter." 

Moving his sword around sharply, the Sword Saint's eyes glowed. "Unreal Dimension's Ruler!"

Just before he could complete his technique, by sheatheding his katana back, suddenly his right hand was cut, making him fall back. As blood flowed through his hand, the Sword Saint looked at Kai with evident shock on his face. "Sword Intent! You've mastered it."

As Kai moved towards the Sword Saint with sharp killing intent, a commanding voice made him flinch. "What are you doing at my place, Kai?"

Upon the appearance of a monk, Kai bowed down. "The 7th seat of the Hollowed Assembly, Kai, greets the Guardian of Black dragons."

"So what do you want?" the monk said with an authoritative voice while looking at Kai, a grin tugging at his face.

"I am here to take the young master Asuka back for his betterment. We have a secured growth potion. If it's too late, even that can't help improve his potential grade, I fear."

"Hayato, what do you want to do?" the monk asked, looking at the Sword Saint.

"Never before the contract date will I allow them to take Asuka away and make him a criminal like these lowly fuckers," the Sword Saint said with an agitated voice, clenching his jaws.

"You heard him. Now leave," the monk said, bearing his domineering gaze on Kai.

"I will leave for today, but remember your guild won't be able to handle Highlord Ragnar's wrath," Kai said as he turned to leave.

"Your almighty lord Ragnar was begging on his knees to the Sword God a few years ago and now you still dared to bark." the Sword Saint replied with anger lacing his words.

Ignoring him, Kai left in a flash.





Thanks for reading!

I know there was a lot of action in this chapter, and my writing might feel a bit rough because of it. I appreciate your patience and trust me, I'm working hard to keep improving!

Question of the Day:

What do you think Volford's Bloodline Blessing is? It's been hyped up a lot, and I'd love to hear your theories. 

Share your answers in the comments!


I've noticed we're getting fewer power stones lately. Your votes really boost my motivation. So please, if you're enjoying the story, vote already. 

And don't forget to leave a comment. 

Thanks again for reading! 

Peace out!