
3rd Prince's Crown

3rd prince Vincent considers himself a perfect being and will do what he can to make it seem that way, but all he wants is to build connections and followers to take the throne. Against a nation hoping to overthrow, Vincent will use every resort possible to accomplish his agenda, and maybe a few more...

Vanilla_IceCream16 · Realistic
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3 Chs

Family. And James.

As the 3rd prince of my kingdom it is my duty to deliver to the people and our allies. I don't have bad blood with my family, but it doesn't mean I like them either. My eldest brother, the crown prince Owen, is quite intelligent and I admire him for it, but he has become arrogant believing his intelligence can solve any problem. My second brother, Elias, is simply naive. While my second brother is very principled he is ignorant of the world. My father, very much like Owen, is smart and arrogant but makes up for that by being peaceful and having many allies. I don't understand why my father insists we make more allies than enemies, our kingdom is stronger than all our allies combined and we aren't in need of any material or technology. If I'm being honest, I'm most suited for the throne. Oh and another reason I want the throne is because there is a continent that matches us in strength and resources. Evermore. They always were on the edge of waging war, and with their new power-hungry ruler the time had almost come. I know my father will not want to fight and neither will my eldest brother, but if they don't start to prepare... The Lotus kingdom will be no more. I've been doing all the work in order to prepare for war, but my family is insistent that I'm being paranoid.

"Your Highness, James is here."

"Thank you Ronald."

James is the 2nd prince from our ally kingdom, Zirconium. As the name implies, they are rich in minerals and are most famous for their abundant amount of Zirconium. Our kingdom was allied with this kingdom since it was first established and it is the reason why our crown is Zirconium with a marquis cut, olive green, Peridot. James and I have been friends since we were 3 and have continued this friendship for 14 years. James Howard is a good looking guy with his fair skin and wavy brown hair. He is not as handsome as me, but he has his fair share of secret admirers.

"How have you been James? Anything change since I saw you yesterday?"

We laughed as James practically lived with us and we had seen each other everyday for the past few months. It was easy to get along with James, who was carefree and easygoing. James was starting to get a little clingy, but I didn't mind, afterall I personally don't like most of the princes and princesses of our allies, but James is by far the best. We chatted for a bit before James started asking the real questions...