
10 seconds to NEW YEAR

The hotel at which we stayed up for the NEW YEAR celebration conducts a small night party for all the guests who are stayed in the hotel.

Me and my friends gathered like an hour before and waited for the celebrations to start eventhough the hotel manager said us they will start by sharp 11.30 PM (so yeah we came to the gathering hall at 10.30 PM itself).

We were to roam in the streets still midnight but I felt like coming back to the hotel soon. That is why we ended up being gathered early than anyone else. The hotel party was not even in our schedule, but something in me pulled towards the hotel and so I pulled my friends too.

It was like 11.00 PM when the hotel staffs started arranging the desserts neatly in buffet. We checked out the menu and were deeply impressed. Though Iam not a big fan of sweet stuffs, it is so mouth watering looking at them.

Some people started entering the hall and randomly started wishing everyone. Soon the hall filled with so many people (more noice).

Suddenly everyone went dead quite when someone through the microphone announced that there is only 20 seconds to midnight.

Everyone looked at the clock waiting for the last 10 seconds so that we can start the count down.

It was 11 seconds more when someone nudged by my right side and I turn to look at a masterpiece of art standing next to me when the crowd (including her) shouted 10....

I could not take of my eyes from her, she shouted 9....(I heared only her voice)

The way a strand of her black hair stood near her ear obidently without covering her face, she shouted 8....

The way her eyebrows arched in happiness, she shouted 7....

The way her eyes glittered in the dim light of the room, she shouted 6....

The way her nose took a deep breathe before shouting 5....

The way her lips formed a cute little smile, she shouted 4....

The way her cheeks moved accordingly to her smile, she shouted 3....

The way her teeth brighted her smile more, she shouted 2....

Before I could think more of her, all of a sudden she turned towards me and shouted 1....

"HAPPY NEW YEAR", we both said at the same time looking at each other.

If time could stop now, I will just stand here in front of her looking into her eyes which is a ocean in which I want to swim all my life.

Our eye contact was cut, she turned to the other side to meet a bunch of members and started wishing them all.

My friends pulled me to their side.

That was all, I saw an angel and she just disappeared in a hall full of people.

New year started with her, my angel.

Will I meet her again ?

Hope the first part excites the readers. I am sorry if there are any flaws. This is my first book. Kindly support.

With lots love,


Kiru134creators' thoughts