
###Chapter 88 The pug by her side

Sarah had only introduced a few words, and the necklace was auctioned off at a price twenty times higher than the Constellation Necklace.

Isaac showed his joy, very good!

But ......

Sarah took off her headphones and gave him a wink, "How much more?"

Isaac was confused.

He realized what was wrong!

He had gone through all the trouble and only made this one!

He immediately took out the rest of the materials and after checking them, he hung his head helplessly.

Sarah had to change the subject and re-promote Cindy's constellation necklace.

"Please give way," Cindy shouted in a small voice.

"Oh, okay." Isaac took a half step to the side, watched Cindy carry the empty box out, and then continued to sit there, mechanically repeating the action of stringing beads and writing.

He couldn't help but go up to her, "Do you have so many orders?"

"Hmm." Cindy bowed her head, "It's almost too much to handle."

Her thinly veiled move made the interns who came after her dumbfounded.