
Chapter 670 You all know?

The police officers who questioned her were routine and asked the expected questions.

"Has your husband ever had a relationship with the victim, Qin Jingxi?"

"Has there been any cracks in the relationship between your husband and wife? Has he ever said anything to you about wanting a divorce?"

"Did you participate in the operation and management of your husband's company?"

Cindy scott had a polygraph attached to her wrist, and answered questions one by one from the police and prosecutors. From the beginning to the end, her heart rate was in trouble, and there was absolutely no possibility of lying.

After they finished the last question, Cindy scott calmly looked at the faces of the two of them, "Can I go now?"

The policeman got up immediately, "I want to ask the leader above, you wait first."

Cindy scott didn't speak, and watched them leave.