
Chapter 595 Family


Cindy scott words didn't finish, thin cool Chen has should sound good, holding her shoulder quickly across the church corridor.

Looking back from his generous shoulders, he saw several men in black suits who got off the car and surrounded Li Hua and Zeng Yuxian.

The leading man took off his sunglasses and looked at Cindy scott for two seconds in a trance.

"Don't look back."

Eric miller accelerated his pace until he brought Cindy scott to the parking lot and opened the door. The heavy meaning in his eyes was rarely seen by Cindy scott.

Although she didn't understand what happened, she got on the bus as fast as she could.

When the car drove far along Binhai Road, Cindy scott looked at Eric miller. "Didn't we say that we would trust each other before, but you and your aunt knew something, but didn't tell me?"

Her tone was calm, and she didn't mean to question him at all.

Just what should be said, always make it clear.