
Chapter 576 Excuse me

The drivers of several teams next to them have also heard that in recent years, the female drivers of Dark Horse Team swept the major trophies abroad, breaking through many records.

Today, I heard that dark horses will also participate in the competition, and they are all worried.

But now listening to Nanxiang's tone, it seems that she doesn't pay attention to this female driver at all.

"Women, should be at home with their husbands and children, out racing? Shame." Nanxiang disdained to say, "Maybe the previous competitions were all substitute races, or there were other shady scenes. I heard that your female drivers are very beautiful."

What he said could not be heard in the audience, but a burst of dirty sighs from drivers around him had already made the men in the stands cold.

He immediately got up and turned back up the back steps.

There are four words written on it, and tourists stop.