
Chapter 210 No one will tell

"I don't know about business." Wen Ruan Er looked up-, don't stop shaking his head, "I really don't know..."

She found those things very troublesome. Every time there were guests at home, she would hide in her room.

What's more, it was so long ago, how could she remember it!

Cindy scott eyes sank.

She didn't expect Wen Ruan Er to say anything, but from her expression, Cindy scott can be sure that Zhong Shi went bankrupt and Louise Kelly definitely participated.

They are not innocent of the way she treated rowan family.

"The second question, when was Nancy cox with your father?"

Wen Ruan Er finally met someone who would answer, for fear of provoking Cindy scott to be unhappy, and said, "Last summer."

"Go on." Cindy scott stared at her face, and her voice was cold.