
Chapter 172 No one's gonna die

Her understanding of Eric miller was after Eric miller founded Carl family Group, and how he was highly effective and all-powerful.

But before that, even longer ago, after Cindy scott inquired around, there was nowhere to know.

When her father promised Eric miller to marry her, he didn't say anything to Cindy scottduo.

Looking back now, Eric miller is more mysterious than she thought.

The lights shake, Cindy scott hanging eyelashes block the mood at the bottom of her eyes, she doesn't want to be seen through, especially the man in front of her.

Two people just sit quietly, thinking about their own affairs.

The air is incomparably quiet.

I don't know when the rainstorm outside the window stopped, but after the rain stopped, the whole cemetery looked more solemn and scary.

Cindy scott closed his eyes tightly, otherwise his eyes would be attracted by the emptiness outside.

She was a little scared, and her heart was beating harder and harder.

"Take it."