
365 (+1) Days

Three Shae Moone, a 17-year-old girl who simply writes on a notebook about her everyday life, narrating each event and her feelings down. A diary that consists her 365 days, plus 1, according to the calendar of 2020, will be written down on this simple notebook. As this notebook of hers holds onto all her secrets in life that not even her family or her own best friend, Annaliese, knows about. Somehow, things are being revealed one by one. What about you? Can you be a notebook that someone can always open up to without any hesitation and feeling judgements? Can you be a notebook and always be ready to catch each feelings that your owner will throw? In this simple short novel, you are Three Shae Moone's diary, with her signature as TSM. Just what are these secrets of hers? ------ NOTE: Some events that are written here are base on real life dates. This story's plot and setting is pure Filipino and the author will do its utmost best to explain each detail so confusion will be minimum. Names and the characters are pure fictional. If by chance the author has written a wrong information, it will be edited or deleted. Opinions of the author regarding historical matters are meant to be respected, and is also ready to respect the readers' thoughts. Inserted titles, fictional stories, and mentioned people/fictional characters are all credited to its rightful owners. This short novel is originally written by the author, Fookim. All rights reserved.

Milooooo · Teen
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Tuesday, April 14 2020

Okay you won't. Believe this. I was so in shock that I'm still loss for words. I never expected this happen yet it did.

Okay so remember when I told you that Zian and Annaliese told me that they have something to tell me? Annaliese just called me to discuss it. Before I even answered a 'hello' she begged me first to not say a word or say anything at all. I was stunned becacuse I can tell that her voice was shaking while telling me repeatedly to never say a thing. I was confused, and so I almost asked why but she kept talking nonstop telling me to don't utter a single word. And then she told me that she can't face me out of embarrassment. I was really so puzzled, and she told me that if she sees my face or even hear my voice, she might back out and will lose all the courage she's been building up just to tell me everything.

And this what left me speechless until now.

Her voice was madly shaking and she keeps stuttering on where and how to begin. I said nothing like she asked so I just sat on the floor, hugging a pillow and feeling my own fast beating heartbeat. My patience was wearing thin, until she dropped a sentence.

"I like Zian."

I wanted to say, "I know" but I don't want her to feel scared or even back out. After a few minutes she started talking again.

She said that when I pranked them, she felt angry and happy at the same time. She's angry at me because I did it when I too, like Zian. Angry at herself because she felt a little happy for wishing that Zian would feel the same way.

But everything I know were wrong.

She said that Zian confronted her asking her if she knows about the prank. She said no of course. Then Zian asked her if she really likes him. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she said yes. She confessed.

I felt my heart shuttered after hearing that. The line has gone silent and no one is making a sound. I can even hear the wind blows from her side. I was readying myself to hear about how the two of them worked it out, talked and planned everything out. On the other hand, I am also happy that I did it. Now the only thing that's left is for me to get rid of my feelings for Zian. I bet it'll be easy because it's just a simple crush so who cares right? It will fade. I'm sure... And if it don't, then I'll live with it until I die.

I thought she'd be hanging up but she suddenly said something again before she goes. Saying that Zian will continue the story and I just have to wait. She thanked me for listening to her selfish request and to her story, then hanged up completely.

I stared at my phone for some minutes because I was very surprised. I thought it worked out but it failed, my plan for them to be together.

It's actually 23:56 PM already and she called around 21 PM. After hearing that and thinking about their future had me in tears. Until now my feelings are heavy and then I saw you on the desk. It felt like you were calling me. To tell you everything. That you'll be the one listening to me. I can't take anymore surprises...