
365 (+1) Days

Three Shae Moone, a 17-year-old girl who simply writes on a notebook about her everyday life, narrating each event and her feelings down. A diary that consists her 365 days, plus 1, according to the calendar of 2020, will be written down on this simple notebook. As this notebook of hers holds onto all her secrets in life that not even her family or her own best friend, Annaliese, knows about. Somehow, things are being revealed one by one. What about you? Can you be a notebook that someone can always open up to without any hesitation and feeling judgements? Can you be a notebook and always be ready to catch each feelings that your owner will throw? In this simple short novel, you are Three Shae Moone's diary, with her signature as TSM. Just what are these secrets of hers? ------ NOTE: Some events that are written here are base on real life dates. This story's plot and setting is pure Filipino and the author will do its utmost best to explain each detail so confusion will be minimum. Names and the characters are pure fictional. If by chance the author has written a wrong information, it will be edited or deleted. Opinions of the author regarding historical matters are meant to be respected, and is also ready to respect the readers' thoughts. Inserted titles, fictional stories, and mentioned people/fictional characters are all credited to its rightful owners. This short novel is originally written by the author, Fookim. All rights reserved.

Milooooo · Teen
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45 Chs

Thursday, April 16, 2020

It's April 16 now. I just got back from the mall with Annaliese. Tomorrow will be Zian's birthday and I'm very nervous. He still hasn't contacted me and I don't know what will happen. I'm very anxious and scared about what he might say.

Annaliese and mine's relationship didn't change at all. I guess because of the bond and the flow of the atmosphere? She greeted me normally and I did the same. The topic about zian was not even opened. It's not that we neglected it, instead, we casually forgot about it. We were so into with choosing a present for him and we were arguing the whole time as usual. Since it's her first gift as an obligatory, also as a peace offering, we don't really know what to choose. She then asked me what kind of things he likes so I told her. Hahaha. She even have the guts to laugh at me! Saying that I'm like a stalker who knows everything he likes! I was pissed and embarrassed! Yet she decided to go with something stupid though. She chose a simple pencil because I told her that Zian also draws when he feels like it. And oh my gosh! she was about to buy only one pencil!! Frustrated, I grabbed a pack and told her to get that instead!!

And the debate begun. She said that it won't be that important to him but I told her at least make it feel like a gift!! But her crazy mindset dared to fight me and shouted at me at the mall!!


I was mad!! I swear!! So I shouted back!!


In the end, she went and bought the 11 pencils. Oh my God. The one she picked and the pack I picked.

She asked me what I'm going to give and I said that it's a simple happy birthday on a notepad this time. Whenever I give him something, I'd always write a greeting on a paper or a notepad but since I thought that they'll be dating sooner or later, I decided to go with a note only. She told me that it'll be enough and patted my head. I was confused. I asked her if I should buy one too but she said to do not and stick with the note. So that's what I'll do.

That's all for now. Wish me luck tomorrow to still be alive.

Your friend,