
365 (+1) Days

Three Shae Moone, a 17-year-old girl who simply writes on a notebook about her everyday life, narrating each event and her feelings down. A diary that consists her 365 days, plus 1, according to the calendar of 2020, will be written down on this simple notebook. As this notebook of hers holds onto all her secrets in life that not even her family or her own best friend, Annaliese, knows about. Somehow, things are being revealed one by one. What about you? Can you be a notebook that someone can always open up to without any hesitation and feeling judgements? Can you be a notebook and always be ready to catch each feelings that your owner will throw? In this simple short novel, you are Three Shae Moone's diary, with her signature as TSM. Just what are these secrets of hers? ------ NOTE: Some events that are written here are base on real life dates. This story's plot and setting is pure Filipino and the author will do its utmost best to explain each detail so confusion will be minimum. Names and the characters are pure fictional. If by chance the author has written a wrong information, it will be edited or deleted. Opinions of the author regarding historical matters are meant to be respected, and is also ready to respect the readers' thoughts. Inserted titles, fictional stories, and mentioned people/fictional characters are all credited to its rightful owners. This short novel is originally written by the author, Fookim. All rights reserved.

Milooooo · Teen
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Saturday, March 28 2020

Hey there. Sorry that I left so early yesterday. I even forgot writing down my end line- 'your friend.'

So I'll tell you now why I was rushing off yesterday to make it up to you. I'm really sorry.

You see, it'll be Zian's birthday on April 17. He'll be turning 18 by that time. Zian Alonne Raquel is his full name. A pure Filipino classmate of mine. We were on the same school for a lot of years ever since I started freshman, grade 7 in Junior High School.

You might be confused but I'll tell you about our school system next time okay? I don't wanna rub a lot of words on you because I'm also feeling a bit frustrated right now.

Zian has been my long time crush because of his own nature. Yeah, he's somewhat naughty and rowdy but he never fails to make the whole class laugh. He's like the clown of the class. He makes the atmosphere light and yellow. It's been almost 4 years now. I don't even know if this is just a crush or not anymore. Maybe you can say it is more than that, but Zian...

Zian actually likes Anna...

He told me about it himself. It's because Annaliese is only open to me. And you know what sucks? Anna knows that I like Zian. And she is aware that he likes her. So as a result, Anna is acting like a snob towards him. Always telling me that she hates him.

About yesterday, what Anna and I talked about, is related to this. We talked about gifting Zian but she refused giving him something because it might cause a misunderstanding she said. Yet I don't wanna be a reason to be in between of Zian's feelings... Because I know. We can't be together.

I'll leave it at this for today. Have a good day.

Your friend,