
360 Degrees in Love

360 Degrees in LOVE!! Hello Readers, I'm DWAYNE YOUR AUTHOR And this novel is exactly what you think it is, A ROMANCE NOVEL !! But it is still different. It is about different short stories of how FATE DESTINY and LOVE play their part in MAKING TWO PEOPLE ONE. In this novel we will be experiencing different types of love stories. DIFFERENT DEGREES OF LOVE. ............. These stories will be mostly short. .............. Every volume would be a new story. .............. Let's Start!!!!!!!!!!

JY_VK · Teen
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8 Chs

Not single but engaged

The meeting ended and everyone started to leave after exchanging numbers. Nora excused herself from the crowd and went to Anaya who was waiting for her in the corridor.

After she left the classroom Nora spotted Anaya also being stuck with a lots of boys and some girls from the sports club.

Anaya seemed to be smiling to girls but indifferent to the boys as they asked her exchange numbers.

Nora called out "Ana let's go. I'm done."

"OK. I'll be leaving then girls let's catch up at the club meeting." With that said Anaya waved to the girls and went towards Nora.

"So how was the meeting?"

"Not that bad. I was chosen as the Vice."

"And? I know there's more."

"Yeah there is more. Keyne that fiancé came to greet me and seems like he has already recognised me."

"Seems like he is still has brains."

"Hmm....He asked to meet up and.....I...AGREED." Nora gathered courage and said the last word as fast as she could.

"Oh. No need to shout. Don't fret. he's not gonna eat you up. Do you want me to come?"

"No, I can handle this much."

"What time?"

"At the roof on 6."

"Be confident. You haven't done anything wrong. And you are purely logical. Okay? "

"Yeah. He is nothing but a idiot fiancé. "

"Yo!! That's the spirit."

And they walked home talking about different things after all they were friends from birth. Their parents were good friends and just like them Nora and Anaya also had a strong friendship bond including Cole.

They lived in a condominium together with Cole after they started college.

5 : 50 pm


Nora entered the rooftop wondering what they actually had to catch up about. It's not like they ever knew each other in the first place.

As soon as she stepped in she heard a hoarse voice "Welcome Fiancé."

"It should be me who should welcome you and not the other way around. Welcome to the country, to the city and welcome to the Daviours." Nora became quiet for a minute before continuing " Coming to the point, what do we even need to catch up about? It's not like I know you or you know me." Nora directly spoke out her thoughts as Anaya had told her to be clear about this matter.

"Oh your are so straightforward. Anyways I heard you announced our engagement but I thought you were against this engagement. Then why?"

"I know it's confusing so listen carefully. My parents totally opposed the idea of me telling people that I was single and even though not fully official but the engagement still existed while I and Cole were being shipped together even though Cole told them that we were just friends. Cole has a girlfriend and he is serious about her. So for her not to misunderstand Cole announced that he was dating someone else but still there were rumours so I felt that it was only right for me to also announce the engagement. It was solely to save Code's relationship from having any knots. Thank you for listening. I explained it so I'll be leaving then. " Nora said and turned around to leave.

Keyne was still focused on the story when he heard her leaving. He acted without thinking and grabbed her arm pulling her towards him in the actions.