
35 victory and 1 loser

Kaivaly_Katiyar · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2

In a poverty stricken village so poor that no kingdom payed any attention to this place. With no fertility in land nor any resource to mine, there was just barren land all around. A place said to be cursed and left even by the gods.

But even in this God forsaken place, filled with sadness lives a family of two, a mother and a son. Even being the poorest of the poor living in the village, the were living together happily together with no sorrow or worries.

They had a small Hut at the outscurts of the village. The child was known throughout the village as a very loveing son.

A story of his which was known by all the people living in the village was that, once when when he was 5 years old, during a very cold winter his mother was very sick. The child to cure his mother's illness walked out in snow upto his knee barefoot without thinking about consciousness and being stopped by the cold weather like other 5years old the only thought he had was that he needs to cure his mother, the only person dear to him. He brought back the herbs which helped him cure his mother of the cold .

But one thing that no person in the village realised was that how did a child know that which herbs would cure a cold.

The people just thought of it as luck but luck was not the only thing that helped but his determination and knowledge where the true reason.