
35 victory and 1 loser

Kaivaly_Katiyar · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 0

What do you think will happen when :

A strong kingdom is ruled by a weak ruler.

Kingdom which earlier used to keep attacking their neighbours but now are so powerless that they are not even able to protect their own territory .

Akingdom where women's are stronger then men.

A kingdom which keeps to themselves , they don't trade or interfair with other kingdoms.

A kingdom with several representative of different people residing in the kingdom .

A kingdom where the people are ruled under the name of God where the top authority of the church.

A kingdom with a rich and glorification history but nothing in present.

A kingdom which has strong mages but no strong fighters

A kingdom where the ruler ignore the problem of its citizens and only worries about his own pleasure.

A kingdom with so much diversity that it is defficult to satisfy everyone without offending others.

A kingdom which was recently created but is dependent on others to fullfill it's own demands.

And a person with nothing but knowledge and power and everything taken away from him at birth. And taken cair by his mother's friend.

The world might be full of winners but here is always a looser among the winners . There comes a time when world give chance to the looser to stand back on his feet but it is up to the person to take that chance.