
3 words to love

Maggie Yurim Song tied between liking someone ideal and the unexpected. Surely love don't grant us what we wanted, but it is more beautiful than the unexpected.

Maricaris · Teen
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9 Chs

You're not that pretty

"Are you fine? I can take you to the infirmary?" The boy offered.

What the heck? It was just a minor bump on the shoulder no need to make a fuss about it Jesus, Maggie thought.

"It's fine just be careful." Still touching her shoulder, and smiled like it was some sort of defense mechanism.

Good thing I didn't beat the crap out of you, Maggie thought.

One thing about Maggie is her uncontrollable temper, she has this extremely thin line of patience.

But goes along so social with other people, she is the life of the party. Wondered nobody disliked her? Well she's just too charming to be hated.

"Then I'll be off then, I'm so sorry I'm just in a rush." The boy is so sincere that she wanted to feel guilty for thinking on smacking him.

The boy proceeded on running but stopped again. "Oh and I'm Nathan Chan by the way."

And proceeded leaving Maggie a little stunned.

Still a little surprised and her heart beat seems to race. Is my heart longing for love? that it felt so youthful? Maggie touched her chest feeling the rapid beats.

"No this can't be." She said sighed unbelievably.

She promised to never let the temptations of love bombard on her. Not even once.

"Whatever." And just like that her heart calms.

All of a sudden someone is tugging her hand both left and right. "Boo!" Jinky and Carol simultaneously surprised her.

"Let's hurry, we're probably late for the orientation." Jinky hurried.

After an hour dispersed later, they were finally assigned to their respective classrooms. Luckily the trio were in the same place.

"What a sigh of relief, I got my fingers crossed the whole time." Says Carol, something that Carol would do.

"I know right!" Jinky and Carol high five and squealed like every other girl when they saw their bias in a kpop group.

"Good thing Carol is with us, we know how hard it is for you to adjust in new environments." Maggie says with empathy.

"I'm grateful already, thanks guys." Carol smiled full of appreciation. She isn't hard to get along with, she just doesn't have the right charisma in friendships.

They chatted for quite a while, not to mention their seats are finely located near to each other.

"Oh yeah Maggie? Where were you earlier?" Carol asked. Probably earlier about their disappearance not mine, Maggie thought.

"You guys are the ones who disappeared not me." She laughed, they were so caught up to catching up that they didn't notice they left Maggie behind.

"Wait are we?" Carol asked Jinky and Jinky just shrugged. Maggie shakes her head laughing.

After sharing a mindful deets about each other's summer. Jinky came up with an interesting topic out of the blue.

"I saw the handsomest man in my lifeee!" She giggled. Exaggerating in the word, life.

"Really tell us about it!" Carol seems enthusiastic and anticipating.

"I can't pick up tiny details he was running so swiftly that's all." She sounded disappointed. "But I am sure he is handsome."

"Wow what a blast that is Jinky." Maggie sarcastically says. She laughs at Jinky always an eye shot to handsome guys but blurry when reading literatures.

"It's true Maggie, in fact he is the reason why we saw you. He was running in your direction." She said the viewpoint in the conversation.

Maggie was reminded by the boy earlier. What was his name again? Nathan Chan, Maggie thought. What a careless man.

"He is handsome alright." She muttered and unconsciously smiled.

Their new teacher Mrs. Fallhan, gave time for them to properly introduce themselves to one another.

"Splendid Morning Class! My name is Elijah Pia Fallhan, your English teacher and adviser."

Even at her mid twenties she look fine hot at her curvy waistline and round gluts. Even the boys are drooling at her.

"Yuck ugh men." Maggie rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Now I'll give time for you all to properly introduce each other while I have something to deal at the principal's office." She winked at us and made her way to the door.

"Well that was thoughtful of her." Maggie says.

Right in an instant, everyone were shaking hands, exchanging friendly hugs and introductions.

"Hello I'm Zia Cheng, but call me Z in short." A sweet girl but not so short greeted.

"Hi Maggie Yurim Song, call me Maggie except for Yurim it sounds weird." They laughed. And shake hands.


"Hansol Ji, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He smiled like a couple of diamonds.

"Jinky Viana Jiao, your future wife." Jinky joked whilst the boy surprisingly blushed. "Just kidding-" as Hansol ran out of the room.

"Um Hansol hey." As she ran after Hansol who she thought might have been offended.


"Clea Maurice Nam!" a girl reached her hand out. "I'm Caroline Demeter Park, you're so pretty."

"No you're more prettier, your hair is shiny too, what conditioner do you use?" intrigued with the idea .


"Hi I'm Amanda So, and this is my twin sister Andie So." Amanda says. "Hi!!" Andie hugs Maggie so friendly. Her friendliness overwhelms a lonely soul.

"Twins! Oh wow it's my first time having classmates like you. I'm Maggie Yurim Song." She reach her hand out to shake Amanda's hand.


They made friends in an instant especially when the students are so warm and super friendly.

Even the boys introduced themselves but more on girls are the ones introducing themselves.

"Hello I'm Jack Gordon, a transferee from U.S. You caught my eye may I know what is your name?" A foreign boy introduced himself.

"I'm Maggie Yurim Song." And smiled as they shook their hands.

"Are you Korean or Chinese?" Jack asked again. "Korean, I mean I'm half Korean and half German." Maggie smiled sweetly.

"That's what I thought so. Your beauty is something that isn't just plain." Jack flirting and Maggie can sense that. She laughed instead.

"Thank you Jack, you're not bad yourself." She smiled. Few exchanges later, the whole class was familiar with each other.

"Hello I'm Maggie-" Maggie introduced herself to that one guy who she found so carefree and lively earlier. He was oh so handsome.

"Yurim Song, I know." The boy continued. He smiled like those sinister smiles but no this is how he looked like. A little pint of bad boy essense.

"Some in this room are now fond of you, I must say you gave quite an impression." He says.

Maggie was delighted not really sure if that was meant to insult her or no. She's a little innocent to boys talk.

"By the way, I'm Gulf Leo Willows a transferee from London. " He sounded so smug, that was Maggie's impression.

After shaking each other's hands only then Gulf started walking away when he stopped to face her only inches away her face.

"And-" He stopped looking straight at her eyes and smirked. "You're not that pretty."