
3,264th Victim of Truck-Sama

Wisteria, a 16-year-old female who got hit by the notorious truck-sama, was reincarnated into a yandere otome game she had finished. Forced to live under the orders of a self-proclaimed god, and escape the clutches of yandere capture targets, will her quick thinking let her get out of these situations unscathed? Updates: around once a week

glitteringstarlet · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 11: Second meeting

'Knock Knock'

"Come in"

After finishing the sentence I had been writing, I put aside my quil and looked up at the male servant who had entered the room. He kneeled, presenting a parchment in his hands.

"Please pardon my interruption, my lord. I have come with the papers of Miss Everflame's magic abilities."

(A/n: I decided to change Lady Everflame to Miss Everflame because I feel it would be more accurate. Sorry for the trouble)

I extended my hand to signify for him to give me the papers. The small hope that refused to be squashed, stirred inside me, excited to find out if Sage really did have a unique magic.

"You may dismiss yourself," I said as the servant handed me the papers

I started to scan the page as the servant quietly closed the doors.


Attribute: wind magic

Unique attribute: Truth-telling magic (no official name)

Description: Unique magic appraisal hasn't been done yet

Mana potential: C+

Mana: C

Mana quality: B

Mana regeneration: B

Mana capacity: C-'

'Huh? She really had a unique magic??'

Multiple questions flood my head. What is she aiming for? Why did she tell me this? Was her magic seal not being secure enough really the reason she knew?

I sigh and sort out my thoughts before going back to work. However, before I can regain my train of thought, another knock is sounded on the door.

"You can come in"

A female servant walked in.

"Miss Everflame requests a meeting with you"


"She can come right now,"

"Understood, I shall notify her right away." She then escused herself.

I continued my work, until about 10 minutes later, where another knock was heard.

"Come in"

The female servant opened the doors to reveal an exhausted Sage.

The female servant walks over towards the chairs I had prepared for minor guests to pull one out for Sage. I glare at her to tell her not to do so. Nodding her head, she quickly excuses herself.

"You wish to speak to me?"

"Yes. I take it that you must have seen the results for the appraisal ceremony?" Her words, slow and clear added onto her dignified manner, despite her voice being high pitched.

"Yes, I have. What about them?" I replied.

"Then, I would like to make a proposal,"

"A proposal? Ha, how does a nine-year-old like yourself even know about the existence of that word" I scoffed under my breath.

"So, what is this proposal about?" I inquire, wondering what the devil's child is up to.

"Ever since Marquis Jade's stepsister was found to be a spy, you have been quite paranoid of additional spies coming after you. You also have been trying to catch the culprit of who was behind this. Please correct me if I am wrong,"

'What?! How does she know? Is there a spy?? How would she be able to get one capable enough to spy on the marquis in her conditions?' realizing how I was showing my emotions, I forced myself to calm down.

After seeing this, Sage continued.

"Please do not worry, so far, I do not know nor think anyone but me knows this. Continuing, I was thinking that although it may break the traditional way of doing things, I could have my powers unsealed before turning ten." She paused for a minute to let her words be understood. It felt a bit insulting she would do so, as it felt as if she was underestimating my abilities of comprehension.

"I would be able to create magic crystals full of my unique magic for you to use. Then, you wouldn't have to worry about being betrayed, and may even be able to get on the trail of whoever was behind Marquis Jade's step-sister."

'How did she think of something like this?'

"I see. Well, there is no reason to refuse. I will start scheduling your unsealing ceremony. Now, moving on from the proposal I--"

"I apologize for the interruption, however, the proposal is not done," Sage said, her tone now a bit more assertive "We still haven't discussed what I will be receiving."

'She dares?'

"... what you will be receiving? Well, why should I give you anything? I can leave you on the streets at any moment."

"Then, unfortunately, I suppose we do not have a deal. Feel free to send me out on the streets," she says. Her eyes do not waver, her body does not even twitch. She is wearing an impenetrable poker face. Her eyes almost glowed. A cold light emanates from them, captivating and drawing you in while sending shivers down your spine. "Quite sad. With my new ability, you could compare me to a pawn that has reached the end of the board. For only a small fee, you could have turned me into a queen, the most powerful piece on the board". She sighs heavily, evidently purposely being overdramatic. "What a shame"

'How dare she' I see a vein popping

'Ugh, I can't ignore this deal though.'

"W-What do you want," I said, facing the full force of shame and humiliation for this.

"Happy to hear! So first, I would like to be brought up in better conditions. Something similar to being a favored daughter. I would also appreciate it if you would act like a doting father to me when around people. It would greatly improve my influence. Next, I want to reserve the right to make important decisions in my life such as marriage and all. Additionally, I want 10% of the money you earn from your company."

"10%?! That is way too much! 1% would be generous!" I bluff. Although 10% was overpriced compared to mana crystals with unique magic, unique magic crystals with what her magic seemed to be, would be worth way more than 1%



"7% take it or leave it. You know how much mana crystals with unique magic cost."

"Grrr... F-fine..."

"We have a deal! I may have a few more (minor) conditions, but we can discuss those later on~"

'But this again, brings up many questions. How could she learn to do all this? Not many child nobles, even when strictly educated, can do things. Is she really Sage?'

"Then, if we are moving on, I have a question to ask," I said

"Yes?" She asked

"Who exactly are you?" the words flying out of my mouth before even being filtered.

She flinched.

"I-I don't know what you mean..." She stuttered. The way she acted showed that I had hit the nail on the head

"I mean that a malnourished nine year old who lived her whole life stuck in a room, with no education received other than language, wouldn't be able to accomplish something remotely close to what you have. I doubt that she would be able to even muster the courage to request a meeting with me, the person who abused her. Not only that but your etiquette, manner of speech, aura, negotiating skills, etc. are way above the capabilities of an uneducated 9 year old"

"Why do you need to know? If you are worried about me betraying you, I can prove to you I won't, using my unique magic, once it is unsealed." She said, slowly gaining composure.

She was true. I did not need to know other than curiosity. It probably won't help with anything, but there was a burning curiosity dying to know what was going on.

"Sage is my daughter. I have a right to know." I said, knowing I was spouting nonsense.

A sad smile flashed on the face of Sage-- or whoever she(?) is. While I could tell that this was partly acting, her eyes showed that she was also conveying her feelings in this smile. Pity, fear, stress, confusion, and many more emotions swarmed in her eyes that were recently void of feelings. Her eyes showed that she was just a lost child, in an unfamiliar place, trying to adapt to this life.

"When have you ever actually considered Sage your daughter?"

Flinching back, I turned my eyes to the ground in embarrassment of being seen through by a child.

Silence filled the air, however, it was more somber than awkward this time.

She breaks this silence with a sigh and makes an 'X' with her fingers and presses it to her lips.

"Then this information is confidential. This shall be added to the contract."

"Well, if that is all, I will be taking my leave," She says, after walking towards the door.

"Please wait a moment, as I call a servant"

I poured my mana into a signal crystal* to call on a servant

A few moments later, a knock was heard.

"Enter," I say. A knight walked through the door.

"Please pardon my humble self for this interruption," the young man said. He then saluted and dipped into a bow.

"Escort Sage to her room. She seems tired. Carry her."

"Y-yes, sir!" He replied, picking Sage up, and carrying her out of the room "I shall take my leave then".

After the doors closed, I massaged my head to soothe the headache that I can feel coming up.

'And I thought yesterday was peculiar'

"It seems that I have developed a liking to that girl," I admitted. Over the meeting we had, my hatred for Sage that seemed would never be soothed had completely disappeared, and in replacement, small bits of amusement and fatherly affection were planted.

'I suppose I am a bit curious to see what she will do in the future' I chuckled.

*Signal Crystal: 2 mana crystals filled with flame and earth mana. When mana is added to the signal crystal, it activates the receiving crystal, sending a hot lump of compacted stone into the hand. The heat alerts the receiver of how urgent it is