
2x Uchiha

A super prodigy and outstanding genius uchiha baby boy is born with a 2x system that allows him to duplicate anything of his liking…and when I say anything I mean ANYTHING!

SlaughterKing · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

On July 5th after getting sucked into a portal the spirit of a random otaku was placed in the soul of Kamina Uchiha. His thoughts were empty at the time but that didn't stop the extreme confusion of why almost the whole clan compound and even the clan head could be seen standing around in the hospital room, whispers of gossip and amazement.

"EVERYONE…" the clan head yelled gathering everyones attention. "Today we see before us…the pride and hope for the generations of our clan to come. This newly infant child, Kamina Uchiha, has become the the first uchiha in history to be born with a SHARINGAN"



Those were the first thoughts the baby had in their head until they were abruptly interrupted by a mysterious system.

[Congratulations! Host has gained consciousness, Welcome to your new 2x system where the rules are simple! With the click of a button you can multiply anything you like by 2x for as many times as you want, Enjoy and Feel free to always ask questions. Until further, byeeee!]

And with that notification the thoughts that invaded this otakus mind made him completely forget about what was going on outside of his head although he wasn't complaining about that either. If not the system he was already born a super genius prodigy.

'System Open'


'How does this system work?'


[Because of the extreme simplicity of the system, a stats menu is all the host shall be provided via 'Open']

'Ahhh, Open'


[System Stats:]

Strength: 1

Stamina: 1

Durability: 1

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 1

Vitality: 1

Luck: 5

Chakra: 100

Wind Attribute: 0

Lightning attribute: 50

Earth attribute: 0

Fire attribute: 100

Yin attribute: 300

Yang attribute: 0

'I will focus on these later on in life but first system could you provide a detailed explanation of system stats and attributes?'


[(1-50) = Academy Student

(50-100) = Peak Academy Student

(100-200) = Genius/Prodigy Academy Student

(150-200) = Genin

(200-350) = High Genin

(400-600) = Prodigy Genin

(350-500) = Chuunin

(500-800) = High Chuunin

(800-1100) = Tokubetsu

(1100-4000) = Jounin

(4000-10000) = Elite Jounin

(10000-50000) = Low Kage Level

(50000-150000) = Kage Level

(150000-300000) = High Kage

(300000-900000) = Super Kage

(1,000,000+) = Otsutsuki Level/God of Shinobi

Attribute meaning:

(50-100) = Beginner

(100-500) = Intermediate

(500-1000) = Advanced

(1000-1400) = Mastered

(1500 (Max)) = Perfected]

'Wow…this system is very quick. Atleast I wont be a slave hehehe' he giggled happily forgetting there was a audience who could actually hear him and everyone awed at cuteness. His mother was the sister of the current clan head and his father was the clan heads elite guard captain and right hand man so the power of their offspring was predestined to be great but being born with a sharingan? That was just absurb!

A system that could duplicate anything you will and being born as a once in a lifetime genius were hacks stacked on hacks making him more hax than people with hax. The potential of Kamina Uchiha has reached unlimited and we will see the rise of uchiha once again…on the next chapter of 2x Uchiha!

I will try to push for longer chapters but the thing is I have 0 motivation and continue to make books with good potential and drop them. This time I wanna keep it up so instead I will start off with small chapters and try to adjust…enjoy my book everyone XD

SlaughterKingcreators' thoughts