
Comments of chapter undefined of India movieverse


Bro the entire story was perfect but i only want to ask why is MC so adamant about amulya as i think if she really didn't feel anything for Bantu than she would have not asked for more time and would have even slapped Bantu at that moment when he tried to kiss her. Because not only she but every woman out there have some self respect towards themselves and they don't take lightly matters regarding their chastity(image) and she not only asked for time but didn't explain anything and started crying knowing she is guilty of it. So still than why is MC trying hard to get amulya to be his. And i don't want to be harsh but so far there relationship looked like as if they are good friends nothing more than that. And about the previous chapter where mc says he will apologize to amulya!!! For what? For breaking his own trust or because he was not happy with just being cucked? I don't get it why you are making his character so pathetic all while giving it a name of loving the family.... If I don't see any growth in MC in the upcoming chapters than i would seriously think of dropping this. And i know it won't matter to you if some random someone dropped your book but that would be nativity to think like that. Because there have been no serious character development of MC all he does everytime is thinking about "my family happiness" like he doesn't have life out of it. You can introduce new movie in here with some better heroine than amulya and by better i don't mean better in look sense but in personality. Who won't just make out with some guy when alone in another country just because they needed support. Because if we go by her logic than sending any female out of country is out of questions because than she will find herself alone and in need for support and will just lean on anyone there with her. There's a limit to be how Hippocrate someone be. Telling your soon to be husband that all that what happened between you and another person was just some mistake done while alone and not thinking properly. Than doesn't every cheating incident in every relationship can be described as such. The man or woman can just say what did was mistake which happened unconsciously while they were alone. I seriously hope to see some improvement in that regards from MC. And try to put yourself in the characters sit so you can write dialogues which shows the emotions of the person speaking. Because that would be a good learning experience for you. Because personally what I do when writing is imagine the whole scenario of the story I want to write in my head like a movie and i record all those expression of characters in my mind than I just have to write the details of how they behaved in that scene in my mind like if writing a scene where the character is cornered mentally and betrayed he will react something like this(it's just some fictional dialogue i came up with onspot)' he looked at his friends who were laughing at him because of his misery and because how he lost all of that just because they thought he was beginning spread his wings? Is that how friends should behave? His facial muscles contracted and he said while getting his teeth. "Good! *Clap*clap* very good a very very great gift you guys have given me really great. Oh! And not only that but what a occasion you guys have chosen Just perfect for me to feel all these wonderful surprises for my birthday." He looked as if he had aged million years just to say that but his heart continues to burn with all the fire he said looking at their amused faces looking at him like looking at some joker. " Hahaha yeah you guys think I am a joler right RIGHT AND THAT'S WHY YOU PEOPLE DIDN'T EVEN THINK HOW IT WOULD MAKE ME FEEL AND HOW I WOULD EVEN COPE WITH THE SITUATION, RIGHT THAN BE READY BECAUSE I FOR ONE CAN TAKE AN INJURY LIGHTLY TO MY HEART BUT THE WOULD OF BETRAYAL YOU GUYS HAVE GIVEN ME WILL FOREVER BURN AND I'LL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO BURN YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE GENERATION IN THAT FIRE BECAUSE




Bro you can add movies like adhurs, khaleja, mr perfect, dookudu, eega. These are my new suggestions try to see them they are good.