
Comments of chapter undefined of Marvel: Why Can't Luck Be a superpower


If he has a posjtive relationship with shoeld after how they treated him then it trash


and thats where you are making a mistake I think because shield is not a company and it doesn't work like a company. shield is an organisation which is tasked to maintain peace and to always have the upper hand in any circumstances. so they have the right to be suspicious of such person just imagine if suddenly your neighbours house which was empty for a long time suddenly had someone living in it. and when asked that person how he got there? he tells you that he's been living there for years. so wouldn't that mean someone is lying in there. it's either you who have some amnesia or memory loss or the person claiming to be your neighbour is a fraud who is there to do some dirty work. but what if you found out that the one who is wrong is not you but the other person because your other neighbours also says the same and support you because there have been no one living there before that and everyone got proof of it in some sense. so than wouldn't you have the right to make a complain to the authorities about it and the authorities have all the power to detain that person. and our mc is in same situation. because he just came directly into the casino without being seen anywhere and not only that he also doesn't have any id proof or any information regarding his life in any department of govt. but the main point is he came in between a highly important mission. so shield has all the rights to detain him. and keep him until either proven innocent and that the system just had a malfunction about his details. or he is a very skilled enemy agent which is highly possible because if he was an innocent citizen how could he possible know the identity of Nick, Natasha and clint. and don't tell me he isn't and all that because we know he is innocent and just a case of transmigration. but how can Nick fury and others will know that? so their suspicion of him is justified. and don't forget the stance they took towards him was very peaceful because in real life if some FBI or CID or any other govt organisation were to find such a suspicious person who knows their secret identity than I am sure they would give him third degree torture to get him to speak the truth. because that's how the real world works. and what the shield did was very peaceful.

Ichigo_Kurosaki_1799:No the person that made the mistake would also be in trouble also im not talking about an internal group problem since the mc isnt apart of shield but one where a member of a group made a mistake agianst someone outside of the group in that case it wouldnt just be the person that made the mistake in trouble and in the wrong but the group as well as its thier employee have u really never heard of situation like that where an employee messes up and the company offer compensation or get sued since its thier employee?It comes up in news and storys all the time.

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ok so I check the original a little bit and I will say that this fanfic had the potential but author ruined it, it could have gone like how King from one punch is both lucky and unlucky at the same time. or Mc could have been truly lucky hero who just walk normally and save the world just by step on something.could have slowly got power but not so soon. I think You should take the idea and make it better




Bem parece que o MC será apenas mais uma ferramenta nessa história. Fora essa forma submissa de se comportar, aceitar tudo e seguir em frente não é uma maneira de se viver.


part of me is questioning free will. Is Hawkeye making the worst choices possible because it'll push Black Widow and Nick Fury into wanting to make amends with Indra in some way? Black Widow is also becoming much more concerned with him now that someone is actively trying to kill him because she brought him to Shield's attention, under circumstances that painted the wrong picture.


Thanks for chapter


Keep going please 🤩



