
Comments of chapter undefined of Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today


Is indra going to be so powerful in the future that hes going to have everything!!!!!!


And if not Just tell me I'll love to pull you into this rabbit hole with me. 😂

BeastNaBh:Well that can be done in fiction but theoretically and practically that's not possible. And thats because the trimurti are not for just show the three supreme lord are the very personification of their powers. Like how lord Shiva is the living personification of destruction and lord Vishnu of presentation and lord brahma of Maker. They represent their powers but those powers also represent themselves. And in Hinduism we were thought the concept of parallel universe and multiverse long ago by lord Vishnu himself. So imagine there's a Indra who suddenly found out that there's a version of himself out there who doesn't play by rules and is gaining powers infinitely. And as the Indra is a Batman of gods he will find every possible way to beat that power hungry form of himself even if he has to ask for help from all of his other selfs. Because don't forget if there's someone who loves the throne more than Indra than that someone has to be another Indra. But all of his power or the power of all the trimurtis is nothing is front of Maa Shakti. Because she is the very essence of power. Well I'll not go there because that's a rabbit hole you don't wanna go through. Because that would change how you look at the world and everything. And also because there's too much lore in there to understand, and you have to have a functional and logical brain to understand that and sometimes illogical also. I hope it quinche's your thirst for knowledge.