
Comments of chapter undefined of DC: Leave my Cat alone


Hey Arthur I have a question I know he can summon people I was wondering can you summon items or upgrades for the system for example if he tries to summon items he can only summon three times and somewhat random and the other one for the upgrades it will count as a summon so the same amount of power I'm just saying this because it would be nice for him to summon something like a collapsible car or a upgrade token to upgrade his house something like that, just some cash and upgrade things to the system and give me something as random as the observation skill, the inventory, or it could even be a title bar from video games


What’s a duel disl

The_top_hat_slime:hey, I got an idea for a summon. That's not a summon. Why don't you give him a dual disc with a deck? If he doesn't want to fight, he can just summon a dragon or just a Fluff ball for company

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I am in love with the story and the way of writing I love how you make every character personality appear in their reactions and way of talking and I see alot of potential for future events (example Orochimaru research meta) I wish you could write more and never stop because this is my favorite fanfic right now

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