
Comments of chapter undefined of Ben 10: In Pokemon World with Different Omnitrix

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The psychological take on Andre's mental state is interesting as people who are larger than those around them with anxiety can have a lot of insecurities that they hide, I would know. As someone like him who uses other people for validation and to feel better self introspection and accepting the power he has will be difficult as people like that are always told to hold back either by others or by society but now that Andre as the power to break away from societal pressures he can let himself be free in the truest sence with himself and do what he wants without anyone able to tell him differently. Will his desire be to explore everything and collect things and DNA and knowledge because that would be fun as dimensional travel and the hightrix makes anything possible and to fight without restraint as pent up aggression is high in people like him as they can't always find a healthy outlet. I hope he doesn't become a hero or someone who does things without reason as he will probably become suffocated by expectation. Are you going to make a chapter where he realizes how much freedom he has to do what he wants with no constraints? is he going to find places to explore and people t fight and powers to play with.

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I was already starting to wonder why the protagonist doesn't understand Pokémon, In theory, in Ben 10 there is something like a universal translator that serves to analyze and translate millions of languages ​​in the universe to communicate with each other, all existing races. Something similar to what Rick Sánchez and his family use to communicate with beings from other worlds, So in theory the protagonist should have something similar to the universal translator inside his body or in his suit, So when you analyze your Pikachu and your translator, having already heard enough of Pikachu's words, you should in theory synthesize, analyze, calculate and add your language to the universal translator, In order to understand Pikachu that way

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Thanks for the great chapter! Looking forward to more!

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Thx for the chapter