
Comments of chapter undefined of Shattered Dimensions: Marvel x DC


First. She was raised in crime family so I guess, you can't really blame her for what she did.

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Thanks for the chapter and If he wants to survive she might have to tell the guy what she did that way she does not lose her army fighting him .

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Doesn't this system have a status screen it wouldn't be much of a system without a status screen?


Excelente capítulo obrigado


Espero igual la mate si no esto es basura completamente


mgh pills?


Considering she payed for a sergon for him id say they are almost equal Honestly she would be happier moving in with the mc and his mom and sister while managing her group it would be best to downsize that group because large groups would atract attention from zombies especially special zombies that can think and have powers Her managing her group from a distance helping the mc build on his small house mabie using manpower of her group to help the mc construct like below Ground cellars to store food Underground fridges ect to store meat ect collect salt that can be used to preserve food With food secured they can figure out how to thin down zombies from a distance And take down powerd zombies If she joined the mc shed have her peaceful life Only having to guide her group and keep it loyal Recruit only powerd individuals Mavie implant a kill switch in all peaple in her groups head especially powerd ones As If one powerd individual gets infected its a serous danger to the whole group also the Mental security that If your surpunded by zombies Your comrads / best frends can flip a switch to kill you and prevent a slow and painful death eaten alive would be a good motivator also the knollage that after you die your one of them the idea of a bomb in your head that stops you from getting eaten alive would be a good thing in many’s heads Kinda like how spys would gladly have that suicide pill to prevent torture


thanks for the chapter 😊


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