
Comments of chapter undefined of Starting a new faction in the Halo universe with StarCraft Technology

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LOL what kind of tyrant a starcraft dessert tyrant which is kind of a threat or a tyranid hive Tyrant(or proto swarm Lord)

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I think only salamander is the most human among all space marine (AKA TRANS/SUPER HUMAN) to date. But personally I like the Raptor chapter because those guys sound like Spartan from Halo. Not some idiot charging against superior technology and numbers like most chapters tend to do 😂

world_domination:that's what a lot of people really like about the salamanders is that they make their own stuff tend to their own shifts and actually look to improve everything they have and before the heresy the iron warriors despise the tech priest and built their own ships took care of their own equipment an innovated as well as took alien technology and reversed engineering it to suit their Legion meanwhile some Hobo's find an STC with a schematics for a knife with a different handle than the ones everybody else already has! and they get a whole planet to themselves as a reward

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question for the author! could the Terran Dominion in starcraft say the Capital planet and its solar system and the Terran fleet how long or could they hold out against the Emperor's great crusade of 40K could they hold out long enough to bend the knee under favorable odds? join the Imperium like the mechanicus? or would they suffer forced compliance or could they defeat the sheer gargantuan might of the great crusade and become an independent power??

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the irony is in 40K the tyranids are nearly unstoppable without sacrificing so much to defeat them and AI is illegal in the 41st millennium but if you had robot synthetics Androids whatever artificial intelligence soldiers to fight the tyranids your victory would be much easier