
Comments of chapter undefined of Starting a new faction in the Halo universe with StarCraft Technology

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LOL what kind of tyrant a starcraft dessert tyrant which is kind of a threat or a tyranid hive Tyrant(or proto swarm Lord)

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Ok now i definitely downgrade them in my story. What you describe is just to OP for vanilla sci fi 😂. They should have a mid boss role in some chapter in this period

world_domination:well as you probably know starcraft was originally supposed to be a 40K game but games workshop cut it so the creators changed it into what we now have starcraft? so tyranids were actually zerd but they had to change dessert a lot so that they didn't completely resemble the tyrants and just to put it in a perspective if the tyranids met deserve dessert would be annihilated probably to the last the Zerg are more intelligent maybe? but they also have a more baseline form of infantry and a few large units but the tyranids have an almost limitless amount of forms the bio Titans the haraffin The Hive tyrants the swarm Lords any one of these would probably be a match for the queen of blades if not outright kill her and the sheer amount of tyranids far exceeds the Zerg when the tyranids travel through space for example hive fleet kraken was so massive and gargantuan it was viewed as a nebula traveling through space when they arrive in a solar system all the stars in space are blacked out and they can strip planets of entire resources in weeks or months they can adapt unbelievably fast by devouring biomass and people and animals on the planet to adapt or devouring their own dead to adapt to what killed them in one story they were attacking a mechanic as forge world which is literally toxic factory in entire planet and ocean of toxic water that could kill a space Marine the tyranids were dropping in biopods by the tens of thousands and they were dying within a few hours they stopped dying and were able to swim in the water they wholly ignore anything that isn't made of biomass they only attack robots if they are threat to the hive but generally ignore them they have no interest in machines the only reason they will destroy infrastructures to get to biomass underneath or within

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question for the author! could the Terran Dominion in starcraft say the Capital planet and its solar system and the Terran fleet how long or could they hold out against the Emperor's great crusade of 40K could they hold out long enough to bend the knee under favorable odds? join the Imperium like the mechanicus? or would they suffer forced compliance or could they defeat the sheer gargantuan might of the great crusade and become an independent power??

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the irony is in 40K the tyranids are nearly unstoppable without sacrificing so much to defeat them and AI is illegal in the 41st millennium but if you had robot synthetics Androids whatever artificial intelligence soldiers to fight the tyranids your victory would be much easier