
Comments of chapter undefined of Became Hitler


The partition was the last act of evil done by the British in India. Millions of people died in communal conflicts fueled by them. After that, USA took side with Pakistan around 1960 and ridiculed India at every turn. They provided arms and ammunition to Pakistan, which then started wars against India in 1965, 1971, 1984,and 1999. India was the one to declare war in 1971 in support of East Pakistan (Bangladesh after gaining independence in 1971), which was being oppressed for years by West Pakistan. They were even planning to do a mass genocide in East Pakistan to silence people protesting against their elected PM in jail. USA even sent its navy fleet to intimidate India in 1971. It was Russia at that time, which helped India against USA. USA provided military aid to Pakistan for decades, and the latter was responsible for numerous acts of terrorism against India. Even Osama Bin Laden, the man behind 9/11 was being given shelter in Pakistan. The country USA supported was harboring their biggest criminal. USA has made some of the worst decisions in history. Hypocrisy is in their blood. After all, they were British before they were Americans.


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