
Comments of chapter undefined of Dimensional Chat Group: In Tonikaku Kawaii With Sign-In System

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you created one of the least common character combinations in your fic it would be strange for them to maintain their canonical personality after all there is a divine level otaku, a cultivator, a veteran survivor, an immortal simpleton, and a boy who is unlucky and lucky at the same time, without count the guy who has an op power and each one has a very contrasting personality with other members but honestly this fic has everything to be incredible

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It's okay, bro, the point of this story is about MC and Tsukasa and this is your ff too so do whatever you want!!!.

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Why are you explaining yourself? Just do whatever you feel like doing… It’s your FF in the end. You don’t get paid and aren’t obligated to write… No one can complain about what you write or don’t.

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I don't care if your story is AU or canon, what I care about is that you keep writing, continue until the end

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Go for it Author!!😁

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I just hope the author doesn't change the character's personality suddenly, but gradually so that it seems reasonable that the character changed because of the butterfly effect of the chat group or other external factors.

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Heh...they're whining too far, this is your fanfic and make it what you like. It's true that we can judge, but why listen to whining that ruins your work? this is great and please continue.

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Fanfiction at the end of the day, as I have said many times, is a story written by anither author, it will never nor should it ever be exactly like the original, it is another interpretation of another person's story after all.

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thnx for the chapter go for it don't give a f about comments haters will hate and voters will vote just go for it and make the fanfic top goat

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with sane with Daoist5VTbKn

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Just ignore the negative comments and do what you enjoy. It gets a bit frustrating when you constantly feel the need to explain yourself.

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Screw everything for me, I just want to know about Tsukasa, you can make Subaru gay and I don't care.

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i can accept anything as long as the story isn't boring to the point of dropping and gets regular updates

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thanks for the chapter

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everything i want to say has already been said except one, although the author can do whatever he wants its ultimately his choice if hes doing something or not, if a reader complains and says his thoughts out then the author could just take what he deems worth it (like an advice) from that comment. the author can do what he wants i just hope hes willing to listen and take peoples advice if it actually is an advice, take the good parts of that comment to improve your work and leave the bad parts so it doesnt ruin your work. (i suck at explaining)

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Faça o que você achar de melhor autor-san . Vai ser mais interessante assim... Seria interessante se o personagem Shiba Tatsuya participasse desse grupo de bate-papo também. E é interessante ver anime/mangá/manhua/manhwa etc... juntos e não em uma só racionalidade . 👍👍👍👍 China/Coreia/Japão 👍👍👍

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this is a really good book. I like it

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por favor siga todos sabíamos que inevitablemente pasaría si vez otros fanfic de chat pasa la mismo es inevitable

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Bueno, ami realmente no me importa mucho el cambio de personalidad ni nada de eso, eso sí me gustaría sugerir desde mi completa ignorancia que cuando se haga un cambio podría involucrar al prota o al chat grupal, y no me refiero a un personaje directamente como por ejemplo darle a subaru consejos para no ser un simp, me refiero, pongamos una situación, tu quieres incorporar dragón Ball al chat grupal ( es un ejemplo ) pero la personalidad de goku es muy molesta de escribir, bueno entonces puedes hacer una misión grupal que consista en cambiar el golpe en la cabeza que volvió a goku un tonto y no quitarle la bondad pero que esto ocasiones un goku serio y con una personalidad más firme, esto te permite moldear la personalidad de un personaje a una en la que te sientas cómodo, a la vez a consecuencia de eso cambiar la historia de ese mundo a tu comodidad y también genera misiones del grupo y más unión, tanto como una excusa a por que los cambios

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Nah terrible, me estaba por dormir y veo nuevo capítulo, me siento estafado, pero parece importante