
Comments of chapter undefined of Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger


Author, since you will diverge from the original novel, may I know where could I find the translation? That doesn't mean I will stop following your version, I just would like to know what differences you added to the storyline.


Thx for the chapter

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Good job until now

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good chapter keep it up

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So by the comment i writed now you can see how much of idiot OG Ash was when it comes to Misty and her conflict with her Sisters,sadly of course we can not forget Misty did not helped him much in taking her side, and helping her against her susters, we can blame this to just them both being dumb kids, And i think Anime creators and script writers wanted to show us how much some people from Kanto region, mentality when it comes to rivality can create some realy Toxic behevior towards others, look at Gary for example.?


Thanks for chapter


Thank you for the chapter.


Do you now why Misty is so angry all the time? It’s because her sisters were emotionally abusive to the point that she left home to get away from it. Let’s talk about Misty, body shaming, and gendered insults! In ep. 7, we realize that Misty left because her sisters are big into being normatively attractive and swimming and Misty basically isn’t. Her sisters tease her, saying that she’s not one of “the Sensational Sisters” but just “the runt.” They also laugh at her because she’s not as beautiful as they are: Lily: Misty, you left here pretending you wanted to become a PokĂ©mon trainer because you couldn’t compare with us. Because we’re obviously much more talented and beautiful than you are!Ash: Uh-oh.Misty: That wasn’t the reason!Daisy: Well then, I guess, like, you came back because you couldn’t make it as a PokĂ©mon trainer.Misty: [
] The only reason I’m here is because he wanted to come!Daisy: Well, he’s totally not someone I’d choose for a boyfriend – but you’re no prize yourself!I mentioned in the last post that a culture of competition had driven Brock’s father away. That same competitive drive is at the root of this toxic sibling rivalry– they tease Misty specifically because she hasn’t become “the best” at something, whether it’s being hot & swimming or pokĂ©mon training. The show doesn’t spend a lot of time on either Brock’s or Misty’s family issues, but what we do see is enough to hint that Kanto’s obsession with competition can create some really toxic situations. Misty is driven by this abuse, and she accepts Ash’s challenge because, as she even says, “If I battle [Ash], that’ll prove I’m not a quitter and I’m just as good a trainer as you three!” Unable to perform the normative, gendered beauty standards imposed on her own body, Misty tries to earn respect by mastering the bodies of others (i.e., pokĂ©mon). The worst part is that Ash, who should know better, treats Misty in a way that ignores all that she’s gone through with her family. First, he assumes the town’s gym leader is a man and is shocked when it’s several women. Later, when Misty chooses to battle with Staryu, the PokĂ©dex tells him people make jewelry from the staryu cores and Ash quips, “Just like a girl to show off her jewelry.” It’s misogynistic scorn of anything “girly,” and this is specially cruel because Ash just saw Misty being savaged by her sisters for not being feminine enough. It’s undeserved, too, because Misty is trying hard not to be “girly.” Her pokĂ©mon aren’t cute—– staryu & starmie are faceless and fight like spiked, demented frisbees. Misty’s training style is brisk and efficient and she’s not as (visibly) emotionally engaged with her pokĂ©mon as Ash. The fact that Ash is so ready to dismiss her as being “just like a girl,” to dismiss her at the first hint of her performing a gender she’s been abused for not performing “correctly,” is really disappointing. Misty’s background of gendered, emotional abuse might explain her temper. This episode goes out of its way to show us that Misty and Pikachu actually have a lot in common. Both react violently to irritation, and Pikachu loves her so, so much. He misses her when she leaves in the beginning of the ep. and his eyes light up when she comes back. He refuses to battle against her, too, because he is so gently, wholly devoted to her. I’d love an alternate series where Misty and Pikachu just take off, maybe live in Fuschia City, and help each get over traumatic pasts. Maybe they could run a bike rental service.


You are amazing bro đŸ’Ș


misty grabbing the badge after the battle is bs...they agreed to a 1v1 and he won. it would have been different if the 3 sisters just offered it because they were lazy. looking forward to Ash wrecking Misty ...hope he uses gyarados


Merci pour le chapitre


thanks for the chapter


thanks for the chapter 👍👍👍👍👍👍


thanks for the chapter


Buen capitulo pero trata de hacer las batallas mas especĂ­ficas y no la resumas demasiado