
29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Cleaning up after the battlefield

Hi, I'm Taishi.

 Taishi has regained his strength after an exciting adventure in the Great Forest, and finally returned to his home after talking to several gods. When I came back, I found out that my wife was pregnant, and I am happy. Hello.

"Is it okay if I get pregnant too? 』

 A girl's voice echoes in my mind.

 Don't go out, useless god. Are you... um, you're not good? Or is it good?

``If you do what you do, you'll be able to do it naturally. Or rather, I've already done it several times, so if I wanted to do it, I'd be able to fill my stomach right now. After all, I am a god.』

 Please stop. Stay for the peace of my home.

"I can't help it... it's fine"

 Is it the flow that you have to do every time? I don't care.

"It's a little sad that it doesn't matter."

 I can hear a voice crying out loud, but I ignore it brilliantly. If you don't care, there's no end.

 Well, I would like to organize the situation in order to move in various ways.

 First, it concerns the greatest threat, the gods. No, now there are gods on our side, so let's put it in another way: the Vaults who see me as an enemy――a danger.

 Their danger level is me and the bad gods--Real, starting with the blacksmith god Bargand, brought in the sake god Melonel, the wind god Zephiel, and the war god Dior, can no longer come to attack me directly. It seems... It's still the biggest threat, but it can be said that the situation has improved significantly since it no longer comes directly to kill me and my wives.

 It's exhausting to fight them directly. If it's one-on-one, I don't feel like losing, but since they attack in multiples, I can't deal with them.

 I can't come up with any drastic countermeasures against them at the moment, but since the real world seems to be doing something, I'll leave the basics up to them. I can't help it because I only have real connections to interact with them directly. I'm begging you, really.

"It's okay, it's okay. You can leave it to me.』

 Yeah. So, the next threat is the human army that is attacking this territorial capital, Clover. Even though it's a threat, the main force was wiped out by the large magic core mine that Marl planted the other day, and now they're in a rout.

 Ah, the spelling of the magic core landmine is really bad. A magic core mine because it uses a large magic core obtained from a powerful monster. [Toru] I feel like this kind of weapon could be easily made by people in this world (in fact, Marle made the magic core landmine), but according to Marle, the creator.

"In the first place, I never thought of turning a powerful magic core into a one-shot, disposable weapon. If I hadn't seen the magic cannons and flying magic bullets Taishi-san made, I wouldn't have thought of it either! "

 That's what I'm talking about. Normally, powerful magic cores are commonly used as materials for expensive and advanced magic tools that exert their effects continuously, and it seems impossible in this world to throw them away.

 Based on my idea, there may be a revolution in the use of magic cores in this world. Shouldn't we be a little more careful when handling it... Well, putting aside the question of the future of weapon technology for the time being, the problem is the power of the magic core mine and the amount of damage it inflicts on the enemy. .

 Its power is about 1.5 times that of the maximal explosion I shoot. A radius of about 70 meters centered on the hypocenter was beautifully blown away. Unfortunately, it seems to have exploded right in the middle of the main force of the invading army, and the damage was nothing but eye-catching. Most of the trained regular soldiers were blown away without a trace by the magic core landmine, and the only ones who survived were the peasant soldiers in the front, the commander in command in the rear, and his guards.

 The wounded peasant soldiers were abandoned, and the commander, his guards, and even the rear logistics unit were routed and retreated.

 So, the threat of the invading army has reached a level that can be almost ignored at this point. You can't drop a clover with the remaining soldiers, and morale will be at the lowest level in the first place, so you won't be able to do anything more.

 In the current situation, I haven't found the significance of chasing and annihilating them, but Marle, Tina, and Nera may have a different opinion. Let's hear it later. I feel like people around Kusuha are going to argue that they should chase after him and annihilate every single one of them.

 Then next. This is the worst at the moment. At this rate, we won't have enough food.

 No, it's not a matter of what to do immediately today or tomorrow. There's no problem if it's just for the residents of Clover, but I have a strong feeling that the food will increase from now on. After all, outside the castle walls, the wounded and suffering from the invading army's soldiers were lying around. If you say that you have no obligation to help, you can't just throw it away.

 By the way, the current population of Clover seems to be a little over 650 people.

 Before I was sent to the Great Forest, I searched for some centaurs wandering in the wilderness and brought them along. It is said that there were people who moved from the village. So it was a little more than the last time I counted.

 So, the total number of the invading army that invaded this time was about 3,500 people. I do not know how many of them will be taken prisoner, but it will not be fifty or one hundred. If things go wrong, there is even the possibility of having more prisoners than the total population of Clover.

 The burden of managing the supplies will probably go to the horse beast man Yamato, who manages the supplies of the clover capital. I'm sorry... I'm sorry...! But you can't let go of your job. For the time being, even black companies may have a completely blue work system, but I want Yamato to do its best to solve it as soon as possible. like a workhorse.

 The only thing I can do in this matter is to procure food or return the prisoners as soon as possible. Even if I say food, I can get as much meat as I want by hunting monsters in the Sea of ​​Trees, so the problem is vegetables and grains. Beastmen and Arkenia who have carnivorous animal factors may be able to get along with meat alone, but normal humans like herbivorous beastmen and Marle. Besides, elves like Melkina can't do that. Also prisoners.

 Prisoner of war, prisoner of war...that's a headache. I can't bear to abandon it, so I plan to contain it, but what should I do with it? Nobles and knights should be freed by taking ransom, but most of the other general soldiers are farmers who have been conscripted.

 This place is in the middle of the big sea of ​​trees. Even if you release them with their weapons, if they return the way they came, they will sooner or later become prey to monsters. They didn't set up any monster protection on the northern route they marched on.

 The Taikikai Crossing Highway, which stretches from east to west, is equipped with a monster protection system, so you should be able to get through it fairly safely, but the defeated soldiers with weapons are basically like bandits and bandit reserves. is. It's a pity to unleash such people in the Kalendale Kingdom and the Miskronia Kingdom.

 There is a way to accept it as a resident, but it will be difficult. They will probably have families when they return to their country, and the residents of Clover will find it difficult to accept enemy soldiers as neighbors.

 Hmmm, what is the current situation? Yeah, at least that's what I'm aware of. As soon as I came back, there were a lot of problems, but let's solve them one by one.


 The day after I returned to the territory capital Clover.

 No, as expected, yesterday was a family get-together, or how to say it... I feel like it was a bit intense for a get-together, but anyway, I spent my time with my wives without getting into the water. I also want to be spoiled by my wives, or rather, I want to flirt with them. Yeah.

 I'm very happy, but I can't be too calm. For the time being, after finishing breakfast, Elmina-san, Rifana, and the three beastkin daughters - the sheep girl Karen, the fox girl Sherry, and the dog girl Shitan - walked around the territory capital Clover together. , When I turned my foot to the west side, everyone except me became strange.

 I can't calm down with my nose whining and my ears popping.

"What happened?"

"It smells of blood and offal."

 Sheep girl Karen spit out violent words with her usual slightly sleepy expression. Is it okay if I wrap it in an oblate a little more like this?

 Even so, the bizarre words are still the same. I wonder if I'm receiving suspicious radio waves from somewhere. But Karen, she's a wonder girl and at the same time she's very smart, she's also a daughter with mature thinking ability. She is so smart, or rather, her flexible thinking is enough to make even Marle and Kusuha respect her.

 However, her body is very minimal. She is, or rather, she is a perfect girl. She's not a little girl, but in her original world, she's completely out... No, she won't say anything. In this world, she is also a splendid adult. She is and she is one of my wives. She shouldn't think too much. to keep my peace of mind.

"Is it the wounded from yesterday's battle?"

 I don't know if it's okay to call it a battle that was blown away by a magic core mine, but the invading army that attacked Clover must have suffered many casualties. I didn't give any orders to take the injured, but someone must have noticed and taken them. Hmm, let's go check it out. If there are a lot of injured people, my recovery magic will be useful, and it will also be useful for making a prisoner of war accommodation facility.

"I'm going to see how things are going. mosquito?"

 I'm not a child yet, but I don't want to show the three young beastkin girls the gruesome scene as much as possible. Besides, it's true that I have to make various arrangements for Tina and the others regarding the treatment of prisoners of war.

"Hmm... I understand. Iko."



 The three beastkin daughters are running. Oh, it's pretty early.

"You're kind."

 Elmina-san calls out to me as I see the three of them off. She is the mother of Melkina, one of my wives, and my mother-in-law. Although her mother-in-law is an elf, she is very youthful, and to be honest, she looks like only a sister to her daughter Melkina.

 My relationship with her... is the woman who supported me in many ways when I lost my strength and wandered into the Great Forest in the northern part of the continent. For some reason, the widow Elmina-san and I ended up in that kind of relationship. Guess... I think women in this world are too aggressive, don't you think?

 By the way, she is also the owner of fighting ability that competes for one or two among the wives.

"It's not like that, but... it's best not to see things you don't like."

"Oh, what about us?"

 A brown-skinned elf with a mischievous expression――Rifana asks me such a question. She was also a woman who supported me in many ways just like Elmina-san when I wandered into the Great Forest. She's usually rather stubborn, but when she's alone with her, she's spoiled by Derodero. I wonder if she can be called an orthodox tsundere. That place is so cute.

"Both of us are injured, right? Actually, I might be the most dangerous."

 In response to my reply, Elmina-san and Rifana-san replied, "Well, well. They both look really young, but they're actually older than me. I won't say it because I think I'll get hurt if I say this.

 I've been living here for a long time, so I think it's probably okay, but monster gros and human gros are a bit different... Maybe it's okay, maybe.

"You look really pale."

 While waving to Elmina-san, who was worried about me, that it was okay, the three of us walked towards the west gate of Tech Tech and Clover. After walking for a while, I could smell the blood in my nose. I often smelled it during the big flood, this is the smell. It smells like a battlefield or something.

 When I arrived, the square in front of the west gate looked exactly like a battlefield. Wounded soldiers of the invading army, who had survived overnight, were brought in one after another from the west gate and given first aid at the temporary relief station.

"This is more important than I thought."

"It's a scene where a person's life or death is at stake, that's right."

 I can't just keep looking at it like it's someone else's problem forever. I step into the relief station and talk to the elephant-like beastman who is giving out instructions in a loud voice.

"I'll help you."

"Oh, General! Are you okay with your wives already?"

"Honestly, I'd like to flirt with everyone and stay indoors for about a month, but that's not possible. I'll heal the wounded with magic, so please collect them."

"Okay. Hey!"

 An elephant-like beast man calls out and gathers the injured. Everyone is seriously ill. Some people are satisfied with just having broken or lacerated limbs, but most of them have lost some part of their limbs or have their eyes broken, which is truly a catastrophe. It was a wider explosion than mine, so I guess I'm just lucky to be alive.

 Anyway, even if the wounds are covered with blood and mud, they will get sick and die, so first I will purify the prisoners with magic. Both the prisoners and the residents of Clover raised voices of surprise at the sudden improvement of their bodies. Yeah, it's troublesome to narrow down the target, so I purified a wide area all at once, sorry.

 Next, use recovery magic to heal the wounded who are about to die. The residents of Clover suddenly start saying that their stiff shoulders have disappeared, their back pain has disappeared, their upset stomach has disappeared, but they don't care. Aren't you happy that everyone is cured?

"It's really nonsense... I often don't run out of magic."

"It's nothing like this. I can do the same thing more than thirty times."

 Rifana sighs like she's flabbergasted. I don't understand why she's stunned, but I'm going to do it thoroughly. Damaged limbs and eyes can't be cured with area recovery magic, so I have to treat them separately. There's no need to rush this.

 Directing the recovery of the wounded, leaving only the minimum number of people necessary for nursing and surveillance, and having the well-fed POWs care for the crippled POWs.

 There were some who complained, but I beat them until they cried, healed their wounds, and then beat them again to heal their wounds... and after I practiced the discipline, they became calm. Killing two birds with one stone because the other prisoners also became obedient.

"Taishi-kun, you're so merciless."

"Hahaha, I didn't kill you, so I've forgiven you enough."

 There is no mercy for those who have turned their blades on their relatives. On top of that, it is unforgivable to complain even though my life was saved.

"I think it's a bit too much... but these people didn't come here because they liked it, did they?"


"I don't really know, but humans can't go against people like nobles, can they?"

"Hmm, I see."

 Rifana told me to turn my gaze to the blue-faced prisoners, and they nodded slightly as if they were trembling.

"I see, there's room for sympathy. It's true that you were afraid to go against the nobles and their subordinates. But that doesn't change the fact that you tried to point your blade at the people of the Brave Demon Federation. You guys. is an unmistakable aggressor. I came here to kill you, so it's only natural that I'll be killed.

 Decapitation, hanging, and criminal slavery made the faces of the prisoners tinged with despair. Criminal slavery in this world is like a roundabout death penalty. Things like being forced to work in dangerous mines, being treated as live bait and meat walls to lure out monsters, and being a plaything in the lowest-ranked brothel if you're a woman. Ah, I wonder if even a man could be liked by someone with that kind of hobby, or be sold as a male prostitute to a brothel for people with that kind of hobby?

 Anyway, the treatment of criminal slaves is extremely cruel. There is no doubt that it is the number one thing that ordinary people in this world don't want to be.

"But I'm merciful. Ah, I'm merciful. If you behave well, I'll promise you that the Federation of Brave Demons won't turn you into criminal slaves. I'll feed you properly, and the country. I'll send you home.


"That's a good answer. Tell your friends who are coming from now on what I said."

 After glancing at the prisoners who were nodding their heads again, I turned around and left for a while. We have to build a facility to house them. There shouldn't be a lot of free space near the west gate, so should I use the vacant lot on the south side? It's probably still vacant. It's not a facility that I'll use for that long, so I don't think it's necessary to be so particular about the workmanship.

"I saw a new side of you..."

 I turned to hear a voice behind me. For some reason, Rifana was smiling wryly.

"Did you miss it?"

"No, it's not like that. I was just trying not to make you angry."

"I see... Elmina-san?"


 I regretted that I might have frightened her a bit, but somehow Elmina-san's expression is strange. Why is this person staring at me with a pouty face?


"Hmm...it's nothing. By the way, what are you going to do now?"

"I will build a camp for prisoners of war."

 Use wind magic to jump and go up to the castle wall. Both of them jumped up on the wall after me. For the two of us who lived in a village built on top of a giant tree, it would be the same whether or not there was a castle wall like this.

"Looks like there's an empty lot over there."

 As Rifana said, there was still a large vacant lot on the south side of the clover. Yeah, it looks like it's going to be good. After getting down from the castle wall and talking to the tiger-like beast man, I head to the vacant lot on the south side.

"You have a lot of land left over."

"Because of the future development, we surrounded a fairly large area with a castle wall."

 With the current population, there's just too much land. The number of buildings seems to have increased while I was away from Clover, but there is still plenty of land left. Inside the castle walls, there is a large field on the north side. Maybe that field will eventually become a residential area as it expands.

 Using the high-speed movement method cultivated in the Great Forest, land on the southern vacant lot.

"Can I jump over buildings?"

"I don't think anyone will complain."

 I don't think anyone can do it.

 Now, what kind of prisoner of war camp should it be? The image I have of POW camps is... well, it's a movie about digging tunnels and escaping. If I remember correctly, there were several layers of barbed wire, watchtowers, spotlights, and numerous sentries.

 Do you really need that kind of security? I don't think I need In the first place, even if you escaped from this camp, it would be impossible to return to your country without any preparation. Clover is right in the middle of the Great Sea of ​​Trees where vicious monsters are rampant. The Sea of ​​Trees is so wide that it would take about a week to walk on the road that is maintained from east to west. It is impossible to escape empty-handed with no food. I think Elmina-san and I can do something about it.

 That's why, I think a mud wall with a height of less than 3 meters is enough to prevent escape. Considering future expansion, take a wide space, and let's make the top edge look like it's folded inward. It feels like a mouse return. 

 Put your hands on the ground and concentrate your magic power. The basics are mud wall magic. However, magic can change its effect to some extent depending on the image. Earthen walls surrounding the camp, earthen walls...with returns. All right.

"That's right!"

 Zuzuzuzuzuzu…..the mud wall rose up from the ground with a dull sound. I'm getting excited.

"Where's the entrance?"

"Yes, I can open it now."

 I forgot the entrance, so I gouged out a part of the wall with earth magic to make a doorway. Something big enough for four adults to go in and out side by side. It would be nice to cover it with something suitable at night.

"It's pretty good. What kind of strength is it?"

"Is it about the same as a stone wall?

 If it's a battering ram, it might be one shot at this thickness. It'll be fine.

 Next, we will build a dormitory for the POWs to spend their days in the walls. Should I be able to sleep 20 people in one building? Come to think of it, what are we going to do with the bedding... I don't know how many prisoners there are, but isn't the number of blankets overwhelmingly lacking?

 Well, I can't help but think about it. Let's put that worry aside for now. First, let's make only the building. In the worst case, you might end up sleeping on a hard stone bed, but it's better than the bare ground.

"For the time being, I'm going to try making a dormitory for the prisoners of war, so can I get a no-no?"

"It's fine. Rifana-chan is fine too, right?"


 As a result of trial and error, the dormitory (provisional) was completed.

 The shape is a simple rectangle, and on the left and right sides of the entrance there are 10 earthen beds lined up, for a total of 20 beds. In the center of the room, make a large stand that can be used as a table and a stand that can be used as a chair. After that, open three holes on the left and right instead of windows and it's completed. The strength is more than soil and less than stone, well, it's about as strong as dried bricks.

 Even if there is a bed, there is no bedding...well, I'll think about that later. Since the shape was decided, I quickly made a dormitory with the same shape. how many should i make? Thirty should be enough. I don't have a problem with the rest, and it's probably fine.

 Also, make toilets and water fountains. I have to draw a waterway later. Leave it to the Antilles? No, let's build a tank outside the camp and supply it. All you have to do is dig the sewage for drainage. The toilet is a botton type. In the end, you can either fill it in or erase it with magic.

 I roughly made what I needed, so I returned to the first aid station. It was easy to make a water tank, but it was unexpectedly difficult to make a water supply pipe and a simple faucet.

"We'll help pick up the wounded outside the city."

"Okay. Be careful."

 After parting with the two and returning to the relief station, there were three beastmen, Flam, and Deborah. Flamm noticed my appearance and ran towards me.

"Good work. How are you feeling?"

"We are making a roster while we are accommodating the injured.

 Flam will answer my question. She was originally an assassin from the Kingdom of Kalendale, and she was trying to kill me, who had just arrived in another world, and Marle, who had been with me since that time. After being a slave, she became my wife.

 Since coming to Clover, he has put his experience to good use in counterintelligence and public security activities. It seems that he was the first to volunteer to deal with POWs today.

 Deborah, Seatan, and all the other Clover women are cooking something. It looks like they're throwing something like dumplings into the soup and simmering it? Suiton maybe?

"We have built a camp for prisoners of war in the vacant lot on the south side. For now, we have 30 dormitories where 20 people can sleep. give me 

"As expected of Master."

"Fufufu, give me more compliments. Also, what about the bedding? I made only the frame for the bed."

"We have a lot of monster fur stockpiles, so we'll deal with it for the time being."

"I see. Hmm, we have to stock up on bedding.

 There is no guarantee that such incidents will not occur in the future. If you keep it in the space-time warehouse, it won't deteriorate.

"Is there no damage to the clover?"

"Well... especially so far. During yesterday's battle, some of the ramparts were attacked by demons, but there were no reports of damage. Almost none of the arrows reached us, and in the first place, a full-scale clash. Because Marle's magic core landmine exploded in front of..."

"OK, understood"

 The invading army was routed by that explosion... I think it's not unreasonable. If an unidentified large explosion suddenly occurs, even I might run away.

"I'll leave this to you. I'll come treat the injured."

"Yes, leave it to me."

 Leave this place to Fram and head to the area where the wounded soldiers have been accommodated. Then, there was Sherry giving first aid to the wounded soldiers. He seems to be wrapping bandages with unexpectedly dexterous hands.

"Uu, it's cold, it's cold..."

"Have a strong consciousness. I'll be saved in a little while."

"That's not right. Let's recover quickly."

"Ah, Onii-chan!"

 Sherry, who recognized my voice and figure, flashed her face. I nodded to Sherry and applied recovery magic to the wounded soldier. In a blink of an eye, the wound was closed, and the trembling wounded soldier's complexion improved. For the time being, the pass would have been crossed, but it would take some time to recover the lost physical strength.

"You did a great job. Come on, let's take care of it together."

"Yes. Take care..."

 Sherry quietly called out to the wounded soldier who had fainted after his wounds had healed, and followed behind me.

 The golden fox ears that had been flattened on his head just now stood up, and the same golden tail growing from around his buttocks was swaying. Sherry, who somehow looked up, and my gaze matched.

"let's go"


 Huns, Sherry showing motivation.

 She is one of my wives, just like Karen. She used to be a very quiet girl, but after her wedding, somehow she gained a lot of confidence, and I think she's been able to speak out more without hesitation. She seems to be interested in recovery magic these days, and she seems to be learning recovery magic from a fairy user.

 What are you doing? What's wrong with you? In this world, she is also a respectable adult, so it is legal. nice? Please do that. Otherwise my glass heart will shatter.

 He healed the wounded soldiers while explaining magic and wounds to Sherry. Even if I say commentary, it's a story within my knowledge, so it's not a big deal. As far as I know, cleaning the wound is to prevent suppuration, septicemia, and tetanus.

"I think it would be better to have a proper teacher teach me more specialized things. I want you to become a wizard.

"I will do my best"

 Sherry clasped her hands in front of her chest and fired up. so cute

 She is a Synchronization magic user who works with Karen to use the same magic and dramatically increases its effectiveness. The accuracy of her magic manipulation is extremely high, and since she possesses magical power that can be said to be unstandard for a beastman, she has extremely excellent qualities as a magician. I want her to grow up in a way that makes use of her talent.

"It's over, isn't it?"

 After almost all the wounded soldiers had been healed, Sherry let out a sigh. There were some seriously injured people, so I guess they must have been mentally exhausted. I look around him while stroking Sherry's head.

 The injured man was no longer groaning in pain. No new injured people have been accommodated for a while, so I guess it's time to stop.

"Well. Do you want to show your face to the kitchen?"

"Yes I will try my best"

"In moderation. I would be sad if Sherry collapsed due to overdoing it."

 While talking like that, I moved with Sherry to the place where the food was being served. The prisoners were single-mindedly devouring something like soup poured into a large bowl.

"Please be careful not to get burned.

 At the end of the line for the soup kitchen, Seetan was holding a sign and shouting. Thetans are small in stature, but their voices can be heard very well. In fact, she could hear her voice even from a relief station a little away.

 Like Karen and Sherry, she's also a beastman girl, and she's a dog beastman girl with a very cute glossy, bushy black coat mixed with silver. Like Deborah, she's also a little hairy, but her facial features aren't much different from those of a normal girl. I wonder if her kemo degree is 1.5.

 She is an ordinary girl, unusual among my wives.

 I'm not good at martial arts, I can't use powerful magic, I'm not good at making things, and I don't have a special lineage. Her physical ability does not exceed the range of a normal beastkin girl. It's not like I had a special connection with him.

 And yet, before I knew it, it had slipped into my pocket. She is such a strange child.

"Ah, this one is fine!"

 Shitan who found me shakes his hands and tail.

"There is Deborah-san in the kitchen over there, so please talk to her! They should have gone to Yamato-san. Tina-sama and Nera-sama said they were going to make a magical transmission to the Kingdom of Micronia and the Kingdom of Calendil at the mansion!"

"Oh, I understand. Don't overdo it, Shitan."


 I returned a smile to Shitan, who was wagging his tail with a big smile on his face, and then headed to the kitchen.

 Yeah, it's strange, but she's an indispensable presence for the whole family, including me. How can I say that it exists like a lubricating oil? She slips into anyone's pocket and becomes friends with them. She may have such talent.

"Let's finish it quickly! Liza, get some men and build more furnaces! We need more water..."

"Shall I help"

"I can help you."

 Help Deborah, who was in charge of the battlefield-like kitchen. For the time being, I decided to fill the empty barrel of water with water magic. Replenish the large soup pot with water and bring it to a boil quickly with fire magic.

 When it comes to a large pot of this size, it takes the most time to boil water from water to hot water.

 Karen, who had been by my side before I knew it, helped me knead the dumplings to put in the soup. Sherry seems to be helping Seetan.

"I was saved. After all, it's convenient at times like this to be able to use magic. I wish I could too."

"Impossible. Sister Deborah's magic power is low."

"That's right."

"But it's okay. Taishi and I are there when you need it."

"I agree"

 Deborah's hand caresses Karen's head. She is a large bear beastman and one of my wives.

 At first glance, it looks like a human and a bear, divided in two. In technical terms, the chemo degree is about two.

 Good at cooking and sewing. Her way of speaking is a bit sloppy or rather like a lotus leaf, so it's easy to be misunderstood.

 It is certain that she is a heroine who can beat most monsters with a blunt weapon. Never make her angry. nice?

"It looks like things have calmed down here, so I'll be heading over to the supply depot."


"This is nothing. I leave this to you."

 They waved their hands to each other and headed towards the supply depot near the center of the clover. Karen and Sherry seem to be staying here to help out with the cooking, so I left them there.